Sunday, February 20, 2022

Some things about the weekend

 I make my best effort to sign off at 5:00 on the dot on Friday so I can start my weekend.

Friday, right after work, is the time for errands.

Pick up a pizza.

Stop at CVS for prescriptions (I didn’t have time this week to start moving my med’s to Publix).

Stop at Walmart for the items that the Instacart shopper couldn’t get at Publix.

Instacart pickup at Publix.

Home to unpack and call it a day.

Pull in the driveway by 7:30.

Saturday, rise a little later than during the week.

Take a shower and then relax.

Watch the two episodes of “The Magnificent Mrs. Maisel” that finally dropped on  Netflix.

Take a few power naps.

Sunday morning spent in the kitchen getting meals ready for the week and the freezer.

BY the time we are done, we have prepared enough chicken for 6 meals, 24 mini meatloaves for the freezer, assembled a Weight Watcher lasagne to go in the crockpot tomorrow morning for dinner tomorrow night, a pound cake and a banana bread baked, also made a deviled egg salad.

Jenn is also great at keeping up with the pots and pans. So the kitchen is clean when we are done and all the food is packed away.

By 12:30, Jenn is in the car heading to the landfill and I head to the shower.

When Jenn gets back she switches out our February/Valentines Day decorations for March/Saint Patrick’s Day flags, plates, tablecloths, etc.

We watch “It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood”. It was a good movie.

While I didn’t grow up in the Mr. Rogers generation, Jennifer did.

She was able to share a lot of the background about Mr, Roger’s and his show of which I was not aware.

He was a man with great faith and an amazing sense of positivity.

It gave me a new perspective on him.

While doing all of this Jenn started and completed a new project for me. It took her 14 hours !

A lego typewriter for me, the writer.

All 2079 pieces and if you hit the keys the letter bar moves to make the key strokes and the paper feeder rolls too.

In the last few weeks we have added a few new things I love.

My Mom’s dream car (which is quite the opposite of my dad’s which was a Corvetter LOL).

A VW van the reminds me of my Ohana.

And this red VW bus has two hippies in it.  I always think I would like to have been a hippie but I think it was about the dress and the hair.   Plus George Raboni would not have tolerated it.  

Here is  how some of them look on my hutch with the infamous. Red truck which in the back will be things to celebrate each month.


These little touches make me happy and that’s all that matters.

Just one more thing, my Dad was born on 2/22/33.  He would have turned 89 this week.  He has been gone 37 years.  I was 29 when he left us. I told Jenn today it is hard to believe I have lived more than half my life without him.  But I can still see him so clearly and would recognize his voice in a second.  I miss you Dad each and every day.

See you next week.

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