Sunday, May 29, 2022

Farewell to 2022

“Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne?”

Time to get ready to start singing this song.  (When I do, I think of “It’s A Wonderful Life” or “When Harry Met Sally”).

I have always thought of Memorial Day Weekend as a quick march to the end of the year.

5 weeks from now it’s July 4th (another long weekend YAY).

7 weeks after that is Labor Day Weekend (another long weekend YAY).

Just 4 weeks later, I am shopping for a pumpkin for the front porch.

31 days to Halloween (and for us Hallmark Christmas Movie lovers, the Countdown to Christmas movies start 24/7 on October 21st!!).

I already have my Hallmark Ornament book available to start perusing the pages and get my order in during July.

I have already started thinking about what to give my team for Christmas.

Well after Halloween, it’s just 24 days until Thanksgiving (and my birthday this year).

4 weeks later, MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!

7 days later, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Start singing that song.

I know there are those of you who think my year round obsession for Christmas is just a little crazy. 

Why am I crazy to adore a time when at least for a little while the world seems just a little happier and peaceful and is filled with warm memories, special decorations, time with family and friends (if not in person then in our minds and hearts).

What is so wrong with taking one special day and celebrating it 365 times?

I have already selected the pictures for our Christmas card this year.

How nice is it in May to already think of this year as a good one for me.  

But sorry folks, it is what it is, the days are dwindling down and the year is almost done.

Remember the real reason we celebrate Memorial Day and give thanks to those who gave their lives in order that we could live ours.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too !!

See you next week!

PS the view I fall asleep to every night and wake up to each morning  

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