Sunday, May 15, 2022

Not much direction in my thoughts this week

Here I go, a blog entry with no direction.

I’ve got nothing.

Or maybe its the exact opposite, I am all over the place.

Just read on and see what I mean.

I was really angry this week watching the news. The events had me upset and in tears out of frustration.

I have stopped looking at my 401K as my retirement savings disappear with each bad day at the stock market.

I envy watching people walk with ease as my arthritis makes anything of the than short distances a challenge.  

It can be depressing to think walking through stores or into buildings can cause me pain.

On the very up side, I am loving my job.

Being back in management.

I inherited a fantastic team.

I have made more decisions in the last three weeks as manager than I did in the six months of my previous stint.

I enjoy the banter between my sales partners and me.  I can be frank or funny or use colorful language in our conversations.

I also get to laugh.

I am also incredibly grateful for the path God took me down the last year.

The way I view my job now versus last year is a total 180.

We all still have lessons to learn and continue to grow.

I find joy in waking up each day.

I love eating Hamburger salad for lunch (with 98% fat free ground turkey).

Red seedless grapes are tasting so sweet right now.  No tartness at all.

Knowing my grocery bill is climbing and the sizes of the items are getting smaller frustrates me.

Yesterday, I purchased a little over two gallons of gas for almost $10!!

In the scheme of things these are not huge issues compared to people trying to find formula for their babies.

Through all the craziness, the sun rises and sets each day.  The tides change as it follows the fullness of the moon and it waxes and wanes.

And we aways have God to turn to in times of worry and praise and joy and thanks.

Thankfully that never changes  

See you next week!

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