Sunday, October 28, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medecine....

OK this is one of those entries that Jenn would say "Oversharing Mom....Oversharing Mom!!"

Last night, I joined three friends for an evening at the theatre.  We went to see "Menopause The Musical".  Any of you ladies who have the chance.....go see it!!!! I haven't laugh so long, outloud and so much in ages.  It was 1 hour and 40 minutes of some of the funniest material I have ever heard. 

You know when you reach a certain age Mom has "the talk" with you.  Yes, I remember having "the talk" with my Mom.  I guess I was a little confused because when she asked me if I had any questions I asked "Do men know about this?"  OK Mom had to do some more explaining.  Ugh....

Well, why doesn't anyone tell me about the BIG M?  Huh?  Why not?

Yes, you notice the obvious changes but it's the ones no one tells you about that make you feel like you are losing your mind.  Then when you mention something to one of your friends they laugh and says it's menopause.  Your cranky it's menopause......trouble losing weight it's menopause......trouble sleeping......memory flashes.....night got it.....MENOPAUSE!!!!!

One day my boss and friend, Lisa, came up behind me at work while I was looking up the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease.  She asked why I was looking at that.....I told her I was worried about my memory.....she laughed and said........."It's Menopause."

On another occasion, I was having a hot flash in Walmart of all places......I did what every other sane (or insane) woman would do......I headed to the frozen food section and fanned myself with the freezer door.  Just as luck would have it a male friend I have known since high school was there shopping with his wife (OK so it was Dan and Kathy).  Poor Dan just happened to came down the aisle while I was fanning myself with the freezer door.  He made a big mistake and asked what I was doing?  After my head spun around three times in my best exorcist voice I said...."I AM HAVING A HOT FLASH!!!!!"  Let's just say he left the aisle very quickly.  Kathy, Dan and I have laughed about it since but that day I am sure he thought I was losing my mind.....and he may have been right!!!!

Now, I feel free to blame everything on the BIG M......the heat, the snow, the dog getting sick, the grass growing to name it and I know what to blame.

The musical last night put everything into perspective.  I am NOT losing my mind!!! I am normal!!!!The battles I am fighting are all part of the life of a mature woman!!!  Sharing the evening with several hundred women and a few brave men was so much fun.  My friends went on stage to joining the Menopause kick line at the end of the play......but you know me.....I didn't go onstage....I watched them and laughed and wished I had been allowed to take pictures.

OK Mom, I am mad at never told me about this part of life......or maybe you tried to and I wouldn't listen because that only happens when you are old......LOL

Two more things.....when Jenn dropped me off at the play did she have to comment "there are a lot of younger people going to see the play".....she said it with such surprise like the only people who would go to see it would be ancient.  Well, in fact it was definitely funnier for people who have been through it.  The other thing was I stopped at the souvenir stand on the way out.  I almost bought myself a T-Shirt because it just screamed to only had 4 words one it.......IT"S ALL ABOUT ME!!!!  I may have to shop for it online.......

Those words have been my mantra these last few years.....why shouldn't I have a shirt that says it too!!!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Small Things That Can Change Your Life....

I went to the gym early today.  I had a good workout in the pool.  I jogged and then took part in a water aerobics class with a really good instructor.  I stopped at Publix on the way home and found they had bags of veggies on sale for $1 each.  I bought 5 bags.....guess who will be steaming veggies and chicken tomorrow to eat this week.  Me!!!!

Trying to get my focus back......sometimes others can help you find it.  I called a friend the other night to tell her I had seen her son's Senior Speech on FB and I thought it was wonderful.  As we moved from one  subject to the next we finally hit something we have in common.......wanting to lose weight and get healthier.  Debra told me about her success since August with changes to her way of eating.  She shared some of the changes she has made.  I am going to try some of them out and I will report as I see some success.  Let's just say for now it involves a lot of protein, some yogurt (yuk), using Weight Watchers online faithfully and the pool at the gym.  I am OK with the protein and the pool.  I have to be better about using my WW online.  I love the app on my phone but I just have to plan.  I am going to try very hard to plan each night for the next day.  I have found the "I don't have to eat dinner every night" is also working well for me.  I like being able to come home from work and knowing I don't have to eat dinner. I think this may have been the shot in the arm or the kick in the ass I needed......we even texted each other today as part of a mutual support system.  So off I go again.....hey it has to work at some point doesn't it.

After all my running around this morning it was time to get home for football.  A 12:00 game is not my favorite but it is what it is.  We needed to win this game.  It was a decent game until one of the best players on the team had a devastating injury.  It is definitely the end of his season, I hope it is not the end of his career.  Last year, he was hurt and worked hard to recover and was ready to play again this year.  The NFL was definitely in his future.  One ugly play and it all changed.  If he can comeback next year he will.  While I was watching I saw something happen I had never seen before.......his team came out on the field to stand around him, patting him on the shoulder, hugging him.....then came the surprising part.......members of the opposing team came and joined in the group around the player.  As he was taken off the field on the cart there was a standing ovation for the player who had his face covered by a was obvious he was in pain, devastated and crying.  In one second he went from an outstanding player to someone who may never take the field again.  The best part of this is hearing all the sportscasters and players say what a great guy he is....not what a great athlete that is a given........but in the world of sports here is a young man who keeps himself grounded and never made a fool of himself or did anything to embarrass the team.  Kind of like Derek Jeter in baseball. 

Two very different things but changes made in seconds......a phone call with a friend has given me ideas on things I can change.......and in a second a person's life possibly change forever.  I hope I can be like Marcus Lattimore and work hard to get to my goals the way he did in the last year to come back and play again. 

Two people inspired me this week....a dear friend and a young two very different moments......I am the Giants said last season as they went through the playoffs to the Super Bowl...."all in baby....all in!!!".....

Sunday, October 21, 2012

This is What I Think....

I am starting to like the one entry a week as long as you don't mind me wandering from subject to subject.....if I feel there is something worthy of an entry all by itself I will do one.

The dog:
We had a wonderful dog named Salt.  We had him for 15 years.  When we had to put him to sleep it broke my heart.  We had gotten him for Jenn's 7th birthday.  He slept with us at night.  When Jenn was sick for weeks with mono in the 2nd grade she slept alot on the couch.  Salt slept on the floor next to her never leaving her side.  He didn't have a mean bone is him body.  He was a big mush!!!! It seemed logical to me that after having such a great experience with Salt we would get another Westie (White West Highland Terrier).  Well, as we have learned Salt was a unique Westie.  Our newer dog (he is 6 yrs. old), Jeter, is as our vet says a true Westie.  Stubborn, not always nice and basically gives us the finger on a regular basis.  He had a ear infection 2 weeks ago.  Because he is not always nice, we have to take him to the vet to let them give him his medication.  So the initial visit was $145 then $44 for the time he stayed at the vet's office each day, the $70 for the next week, $20 yesterday for an ear culture only to find out we have to bring him in each day this week so that is another $70 and then once this week is over we will have to bring him to the vet once a week to have his ears cleaned.  We tried to give him the ear drops oursleves but when the dog uses his paws and rips off the muzzle we put on him we have no option but to take him to the vet......or let him go deaf......

The Election:
OK my liberal relatives may hate me for saying this but this country has not had a great President since Reagan.  I loved him!!! He was an amazing leader.  I do respect the office of the President,  If  President Obama or former President Bush showed up at my house I would invite them in.  I hate the negativity of the campaigns....and no one is without fault!!! Watching the debate this week aggravated me.....I hate the smirks and snide remarks.  I can't wait for Election Day for all the nonsense to be over.  And I hope my guy wins!!!!! But I am grateful to live in a country where the transition of power is done peacefully.......that is what I love about the USA.

Changing Up Dinner:
I used to feel obligated to have a regular dinner each night.  Not anymore.  I eat what I feel like having,,,,a can of soup....a salad.....a peanut butter and jelly sandwich......a handful of pretzels.  I am sure I am eating less calories this way too!!!!  With the long days and late nights sometimes I would rather have a bowl of oatmeal than a is just easier and satisfies my hunger.  Why hadn't I thought of that before?  It makes so much sense and I love eating less calories

Being Homesick:
There are times I miss my family so much.  My brother was in a play the last few weeks,  I wish I could have been there to see him.  Other members of my family told me what a wonderful job he did.  Sunday's used to be the day the family got together to watch football....I miss that......I guess I shouldn't complain though with facebook and skype and facetime you can still catch up with everyone.  But I sure would like an afternoon with all of us in the same room cheering for the Giants.

Job applications: 
OK it not bad enough that most job applications are online so if you are not computer savvy that is a problem.  Then many do not even let you know that they have gotten your application.  And since when does every application not only ask employment history but they also have a questionnaire that can be up to 80 questions long with a variety of scenario's.  You have to give the best answer, the worst answer, you have to strongly agree or strongly disagree and on and on......hey folks this is not to be president of Apple or IBM this is to be a damn cashier at McDonald's or Lowes!!!!! Give me a break!!!!

Well, how is that for a variety of topics....dogs, politics, dinner and unemployment.......well I left out religion and sex otherwise I think I covered a lot.......I guess I will save those topics for another day. 

See you next week.....

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Random Stuff.......

The last few weeks have provided a lot of material for this blog but to make every one's life easier it will just be this one if I sounds like I am rambling.....I am.

I love football.  I love Baseball.  I love the Gamecocks!! I love the NY Giants!! I love the Yankees!!  So this time of year is nirvana for me.  Except when.......we have a day like yesterday....ugh.... USC lost......Yankees lost and Jeter broke his ankle.  The Giants are on TV here this afternoon and the Yankees are on too at the same time......double ugh.......well at least with picture in picture I can keep up on both games.  Would someone in the TV scheduling department take my viewing needs into consideration???

The Fall;
I love autumn.  Pumpkins, Halloween, the sound of leaves crunching as you walk (OK that is not happening in South Carolina......we don't get that sound until if we are lucky Thanksgiving....maybe Christmas).  I love sweater weather.....where I live it is more like sweat weather for months on end.  This week it is supposed to be in the 70's.....that is fall for us!!! I drove by Lowe's last weekend and they had their Christmas trees and decorations out on display.  I love Christmas as much as the next person but can we at least get past Halloween before we trim the tree?

I love my job.  No, I do not sit at my desk playing on my computer all day as has been alluded to by some.  Unless you work in a mortgage operations job you have no idea of the stress, deadlines and pressure that makes up the job.  Friday was a humdinger of a day......problems, issues, rushes, goals and anything else that can make a day fly and your blood pressure go up.  I know everyone has parts of their job that is stressful and mine is no different.  By the time I left the office Friday, my brain was fried......I couldn't make one more decision. Tomorrow morning it is back up and at it again..........I can't imagine how it would feel if I hated my job.

I am blessed with some wonderful friends.  They have helped me through what has been a difficult year.  I really make a conscious effort to not be negative about things in my life when I talk to them but sometimes I can't help it.  So, I apologize if I have been a downer to talk to.....I promise to try and do a better job!!!  Last week, my sister had something going on in her life that was pretty serious.  I was so happy when she told me a good friend (shout out to Sheila Miller) showed up to sit with my sister while Cheryl waited for am important decision. 

The Gym:
I have been letting my job come between me and the gym.....not good.  I have been getting there on the weekend but not the twice a week I had normally done.  Well this is back on track.  I have to force myself to leave work and do what is good for me.  I am going to try and be flexible as far as what days of the week I get there and that may help.  Where is it written that I must go on Tuesday and Thursday.....why not Monday......why not Friday???? Back to a minimum of 4 times a ifs ands or buts......promise!!!

The Weight:
I am in such a quandary about would think after 3 years I would have this figured out.....but I am as confused about it all as I was almost three years ago when I started this journey.  I have tried resetting, refocusing, refiguring.......but I am still no where near where I should be......I still hate the way I look......I hate that others look at me as the fat maybe I still hate me.  But somewhere inside I still haven't given up......I can't give up......I need to believe.  I know people love me for who I am.  I know I have a lot to offer.  Part of what I have to do is love me......I am working on it!!   I heard a story that once someone asked Michelangelo about a sculpting he had done out of marble.  They said to him you created something beautiful.  He said it was inside all the time all I did was remove the excess pieces on the outside.  Maybe that's me.......I need to break away the outside so people can see what's inside of me.

The list above ......they are all things that are important to me (in no particular order). I didn't mention my family because they are stuck with me (sorry guys but dropping me in not optional...LOL).

So there you have random thoughts on this Sunday afternoon in October........