Sunday, October 21, 2012

This is What I Think....

I am starting to like the one entry a week as long as you don't mind me wandering from subject to subject.....if I feel there is something worthy of an entry all by itself I will do one.

The dog:
We had a wonderful dog named Salt.  We had him for 15 years.  When we had to put him to sleep it broke my heart.  We had gotten him for Jenn's 7th birthday.  He slept with us at night.  When Jenn was sick for weeks with mono in the 2nd grade she slept alot on the couch.  Salt slept on the floor next to her never leaving her side.  He didn't have a mean bone is him body.  He was a big mush!!!! It seemed logical to me that after having such a great experience with Salt we would get another Westie (White West Highland Terrier).  Well, as we have learned Salt was a unique Westie.  Our newer dog (he is 6 yrs. old), Jeter, is as our vet says a true Westie.  Stubborn, not always nice and basically gives us the finger on a regular basis.  He had a ear infection 2 weeks ago.  Because he is not always nice, we have to take him to the vet to let them give him his medication.  So the initial visit was $145 then $44 for the time he stayed at the vet's office each day, the $70 for the next week, $20 yesterday for an ear culture only to find out we have to bring him in each day this week so that is another $70 and then once this week is over we will have to bring him to the vet once a week to have his ears cleaned.  We tried to give him the ear drops oursleves but when the dog uses his paws and rips off the muzzle we put on him we have no option but to take him to the vet......or let him go deaf......

The Election:
OK my liberal relatives may hate me for saying this but this country has not had a great President since Reagan.  I loved him!!! He was an amazing leader.  I do respect the office of the President,  If  President Obama or former President Bush showed up at my house I would invite them in.  I hate the negativity of the campaigns....and no one is without fault!!! Watching the debate this week aggravated me.....I hate the smirks and snide remarks.  I can't wait for Election Day for all the nonsense to be over.  And I hope my guy wins!!!!! But I am grateful to live in a country where the transition of power is done peacefully.......that is what I love about the USA.

Changing Up Dinner:
I used to feel obligated to have a regular dinner each night.  Not anymore.  I eat what I feel like having,,,,a can of soup....a salad.....a peanut butter and jelly sandwich......a handful of pretzels.  I am sure I am eating less calories this way too!!!!  With the long days and late nights sometimes I would rather have a bowl of oatmeal than a is just easier and satisfies my hunger.  Why hadn't I thought of that before?  It makes so much sense and I love eating less calories

Being Homesick:
There are times I miss my family so much.  My brother was in a play the last few weeks,  I wish I could have been there to see him.  Other members of my family told me what a wonderful job he did.  Sunday's used to be the day the family got together to watch football....I miss that......I guess I shouldn't complain though with facebook and skype and facetime you can still catch up with everyone.  But I sure would like an afternoon with all of us in the same room cheering for the Giants.

Job applications: 
OK it not bad enough that most job applications are online so if you are not computer savvy that is a problem.  Then many do not even let you know that they have gotten your application.  And since when does every application not only ask employment history but they also have a questionnaire that can be up to 80 questions long with a variety of scenario's.  You have to give the best answer, the worst answer, you have to strongly agree or strongly disagree and on and on......hey folks this is not to be president of Apple or IBM this is to be a damn cashier at McDonald's or Lowes!!!!! Give me a break!!!!

Well, how is that for a variety of topics....dogs, politics, dinner and unemployment.......well I left out religion and sex otherwise I think I covered a lot.......I guess I will save those topics for another day. 

See you next week.....

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