Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Small Things That Can Change Your Life....

I went to the gym early today.  I had a good workout in the pool.  I jogged and then took part in a water aerobics class with a really good instructor.  I stopped at Publix on the way home and found they had bags of veggies on sale for $1 each.  I bought 5 bags.....guess who will be steaming veggies and chicken tomorrow to eat this week.  Me!!!!

Trying to get my focus back......sometimes others can help you find it.  I called a friend the other night to tell her I had seen her son's Senior Speech on FB and I thought it was wonderful.  As we moved from one  subject to the next we finally hit something we have in common.......wanting to lose weight and get healthier.  Debra told me about her success since August with changes to her way of eating.  She shared some of the changes she has made.  I am going to try some of them out and I will report as I see some success.  Let's just say for now it involves a lot of protein, some yogurt (yuk), using Weight Watchers online faithfully and the pool at the gym.  I am OK with the protein and the pool.  I have to be better about using my WW online.  I love the app on my phone but I just have to plan.  I am going to try very hard to plan each night for the next day.  I have found the "I don't have to eat dinner every night" is also working well for me.  I like being able to come home from work and knowing I don't have to eat dinner. I think this may have been the shot in the arm or the kick in the ass I needed......we even texted each other today as part of a mutual support system.  So off I go again.....hey it has to work at some point doesn't it.

After all my running around this morning it was time to get home for football.  A 12:00 game is not my favorite but it is what it is.  We needed to win this game.  It was a decent game until one of the best players on the team had a devastating injury.  It is definitely the end of his season, I hope it is not the end of his career.  Last year, he was hurt and worked hard to recover and was ready to play again this year.  The NFL was definitely in his future.  One ugly play and it all changed.  If he can comeback next year he will.  While I was watching I saw something happen I had never seen before.......his team came out on the field to stand around him, patting him on the shoulder, hugging him.....then came the surprising part.......members of the opposing team came and joined in the group around the player.  As he was taken off the field on the cart there was a standing ovation for the player who had his face covered by a was obvious he was in pain, devastated and crying.  In one second he went from an outstanding player to someone who may never take the field again.  The best part of this is hearing all the sportscasters and players say what a great guy he is....not what a great athlete that is a given........but in the world of sports here is a young man who keeps himself grounded and never made a fool of himself or did anything to embarrass the team.  Kind of like Derek Jeter in baseball. 

Two very different things but changes made in seconds......a phone call with a friend has given me ideas on things I can change.......and in a second a person's life possibly change forever.  I hope I can be like Marcus Lattimore and work hard to get to my goals the way he did in the last year to come back and play again. 

Two people inspired me this week....a dear friend and a young two very different moments......I am the Giants said last season as they went through the playoffs to the Super Bowl...."all in baby....all in!!!".....

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