Sunday, October 28, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medecine....

OK this is one of those entries that Jenn would say "Oversharing Mom....Oversharing Mom!!"

Last night, I joined three friends for an evening at the theatre.  We went to see "Menopause The Musical".  Any of you ladies who have the chance.....go see it!!!! I haven't laugh so long, outloud and so much in ages.  It was 1 hour and 40 minutes of some of the funniest material I have ever heard. 

You know when you reach a certain age Mom has "the talk" with you.  Yes, I remember having "the talk" with my Mom.  I guess I was a little confused because when she asked me if I had any questions I asked "Do men know about this?"  OK Mom had to do some more explaining.  Ugh....

Well, why doesn't anyone tell me about the BIG M?  Huh?  Why not?

Yes, you notice the obvious changes but it's the ones no one tells you about that make you feel like you are losing your mind.  Then when you mention something to one of your friends they laugh and says it's menopause.  Your cranky it's menopause......trouble losing weight it's menopause......trouble sleeping......memory flashes.....night got it.....MENOPAUSE!!!!!

One day my boss and friend, Lisa, came up behind me at work while I was looking up the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease.  She asked why I was looking at that.....I told her I was worried about my memory.....she laughed and said........."It's Menopause."

On another occasion, I was having a hot flash in Walmart of all places......I did what every other sane (or insane) woman would do......I headed to the frozen food section and fanned myself with the freezer door.  Just as luck would have it a male friend I have known since high school was there shopping with his wife (OK so it was Dan and Kathy).  Poor Dan just happened to came down the aisle while I was fanning myself with the freezer door.  He made a big mistake and asked what I was doing?  After my head spun around three times in my best exorcist voice I said...."I AM HAVING A HOT FLASH!!!!!"  Let's just say he left the aisle very quickly.  Kathy, Dan and I have laughed about it since but that day I am sure he thought I was losing my mind.....and he may have been right!!!!

Now, I feel free to blame everything on the BIG M......the heat, the snow, the dog getting sick, the grass growing to name it and I know what to blame.

The musical last night put everything into perspective.  I am NOT losing my mind!!! I am normal!!!!The battles I am fighting are all part of the life of a mature woman!!!  Sharing the evening with several hundred women and a few brave men was so much fun.  My friends went on stage to joining the Menopause kick line at the end of the play......but you know me.....I didn't go onstage....I watched them and laughed and wished I had been allowed to take pictures.

OK Mom, I am mad at never told me about this part of life......or maybe you tried to and I wouldn't listen because that only happens when you are old......LOL

Two more things.....when Jenn dropped me off at the play did she have to comment "there are a lot of younger people going to see the play".....she said it with such surprise like the only people who would go to see it would be ancient.  Well, in fact it was definitely funnier for people who have been through it.  The other thing was I stopped at the souvenir stand on the way out.  I almost bought myself a T-Shirt because it just screamed to only had 4 words one it.......IT"S ALL ABOUT ME!!!!  I may have to shop for it online.......

Those words have been my mantra these last few years.....why shouldn't I have a shirt that says it too!!!!!

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