Sunday, November 4, 2012

And I thought I knew what the week was going to be like...

When I wrote my blog last week month end at work and Halloween were all I really thought about for the week.

Over last week-end I had heard about "Sandy" but hadn't given it too much thought.  I mean how often does a hurricane hit NY?  They had already had Hurricane Irene last year.  I had Monday off and got a lot of things done that I had planned.  Around 3:00, I decided to look on the news and see how things were going.  I ended up sitting there for a long time watching what was going on......

I kept in touch with my family to see how they were making out.  Fortunately, no one was hurt.  Trees down on houses, broken windshields, noise sounding like jets were flying past their houses and no electricity.  Schools closed, businesses closed, no gas........

I remember getting cranky when I lived in NY and we didn't have power for 2 about a wimp.....

Is there something wrong with me that I keep having to be reminded how lucky I am????

I have a roof over my head, I have a job I really like, no serious health issues, enough money to meet the monthly bills even with Bob out of work ( I have become very creative in the meal department) and a daughter who can make me laugh even when I don't want to (now that can make me crazy!!!).

I really have everything I need......maybe not everything I want.....

Needs and wants.......very very different.....

roof over my head
enough $ to pay the bills
good health coverage
good health
a loving family
good friends
a good job

extra $ in the bank
not to have to worry about the next big unexpected bill that rolls in (and you know they always do)
more time with my family

If I start on this list it would go on forever and you might think of me as shallow (hey I dream big!!!)

But once again after a week like this past one.....I come back to reality and thank God for what I do have and at least for this moment I am satisfied.   It has been a  humbling experience for me this week.......I am sure any of those people I watching this week after that devastating storm would give there eye teeth to have my life right now. 

And maybe I need to think about that more often........

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