Saturday, November 24, 2012

Protien Shakes, 14 Step Make-Up Application and the Scale

In my quest to change things up a little, I now drink a protein shake on the way to work in the morning.  I bought the powder for the drink at GNC.  One serving has 25 grams of protein.  The first morning I tried to make it without my glasses.  I could barely make out the milk line on the shaker container.  Then I wasn't sure if one scoop was one serving or not.  I didn't see a  line on the scoop provided so I just used one scoop.  It was a chocolate flavor drink.  Once I had the two ingredients in the shaker bottle, I added the small ball that serves like a wisk to mix the two ingredients.  I wasn't thrilled about the 8 ounces of skim milk and then adding the powder..... I wasn't sure how it would taste but as I drove to work, I kept taking slugs and it really was not bad at all.  I don't know if it was psychological or not but I wasn't hungry all morning at work.  I am trying to work up to 100 grams of protein a day.....ugh......

I also once again tried yogurt.  I know it is good for me but for some reason I just haven't acquired a taste for it.  I need suggestions on which brand people like and how to get used to eating it.  I bought a plain or vanilla flavor and it had pomegranate flavor to mix with it but once I saw the expiration date was only a week from now I decided the taste was tainted.  I am sure it wasn't but that is the way my brain works.

I got one the scale after a week and I was down a few pounds on the scale......I may have been down anyway since I hadn't been on the scale in a few weeks.  Either was good news!!

Now the make-up thing.......a while back I went to a Mary Kay party.  I bought all kinds of make-up.  I had finally finished most of my old make-up so I was read to start using the new stuff........the problem was it involved using 14 different things.  Here was the order.......moisturizer for my face, hands, arms and legs.  Then primer on my face followed by under eye consealer, base coat and blush.  Next primer on my eyes, eyeliner, 3 shades of eye shadow, eye lash primer and mascara.  Lastly, lip primer and lipstick. 

I was given some free samples of hair gel and hair spray that will help volumize my hair, so that was another step added to the beautification process.  I really liked the gel and spray but it is more time I need in the morning......

I normally don't have an extra 20-30 minutes for hair and make-up application so now it means I have to get up earlier.  But I have also read  I need to get more sleep and that not getting enough sleep can also slow down weight loss..  So I need to go to bed by oh maybe 8:00.......the problem is most nights I am not home from work until is a vicious cycle.  But at least now I have my weight struggle figured is because of the make-up.....

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