Sunday, November 11, 2012

Another busy week....from elections to birthdays...

Last week, I started to wonder what is going on in my life......

Sunday, I was in my PJ's at 4:00 in the afternoon.  OK since when do I put on my pj's in the middle of the afternoon.  I guess I justified it by saying if it wasn't for the time change it would have been 5:00.  We watched the Giant game....which they lost. The funniest part was watching Jenn watch the game.She screams at the TV.  Yelling "fundamentals guys, come on fundamentals!!!!"   Yes, she comes from a family of football fans.  By the time she was two she knew the signals for clipping, offsides, time out and touchdown.  Jenn would be watching a game with us and someone would yell "that was a clip" and Jenn would give the appropriate signal.  Her cousin Jill is just as passionate about football.  Get those girls together in a room and watch out!!

Tuesday, Election Day......people were coming into work telling horror stories about the polls and how long they were taking to vote.  Things were a mess in Richland County where the polls closed at 7:00 and the last vote was cast after midnight.  I gave those people a lot of credit for standing in line all those hours to exercise their right as a citizen.  I arrived at my local polling place at 6:59:59 PM.  I was the last person on a very long line but I was home by 8:30.  As I entered the gym to cast my vote a news clip came across my IPhone that Romney had carried SC. It is hard to believe there were still people on line in Richland County SC when President Obama was declared the winner. 

A four day weekend!!!! I have vacation time I need to use before the end of the year so using time for a long week-end worked for me.

Thursday was Jenn's birthday.  We started it by dropping her car off to be repaired (a master cylinder needed to be replaced), next  a pedicure, the cupcake store, lunch, the supermarket to get steaks for dinner and then a break while Jenn taught her University 101 class.  After class it was off to Victoria Secret, American Eagle and Belk.  The stop at Belk was for her Frye boots.  Actually, it took 2 stops about 30 miles apart since the first Belk didn't have any Frye boots and the one 30 miles away did.  We left the house at 8:00 AM and didn't get home until almost 11 hours later......what a day.

Friday was a little more relaxed but did involve errands and the gym.

Saturday was the gym and college football. 

Today more errands and football. 

I was very good and didn't look at my blackberry once.  I only turned on my work laptop once and that was to delete e-mails so I would have hundreds of them when I go back to work tomorrow.  But the days flew.  The good thing is I only work 3 full weeks between now and the week of January 7th.  I can handle that!!!!

OK just one more note:  last week I wrote about needs vs. wants.  Under the wants I wrote I would like to have enough money for the next big repair bill that comes along.  This morning the washing machine stopped mid-cycle....ugh.  I do have a homeowners warranty so I left a message to schedule an appointment.  Hopefully, it will be fixed soon and for not much more than the service call.

In the last few months we have had to replace a water pump in the car,  the lawn mower overhauled, a sewer line replaced, pest control in for a treatment on the house, the outside of the house treated for termites and now the washing machine.  I also spent time on the phone with my insurance agent trying to find out why my homeowners insurnace premium is now more than my property taxes.....the answer was....... a claim I filed almost two years ago when I had a flood in my house.  Cha Ching Cha Ching ........  I know I promised not to complain last week and I am not complaining.....really I am not......but can someone just cut me a little slack in the repair and bills department.....just a little......please......

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