Saturday, November 24, 2012

And Now The Hot Water Heater?????

Two weeks ago, I mentioned a chain of repairs that kept having to be done and the bills that they have created.  I was hoping it would slow such luck.

Last Sunday morning,  Jenn took the newspapers to the recycle bin.  She came in and said "Mom I hate to tell you this but there is a large puddle of water under the hot water heater".  OK I e-mail the home owners warranty company again.  By Tuesday, I still hadn't heard from them so I called them.  They said they hadn't gotten my order so they took it over the phone.  Now,  I already have a washing machine that doesn't work .....I sure don't need the hot water heater to go too.  The repairman called Tuesday night and said he could come by the house Wednesday between 3-5. I couldn't be home at that time and the hot water heater is in the outside storage room, he said to just tape a check to the hot water heater.  So that's what I did......

The repairman was running late, Jenn was here when he showed up.  Fortunately, it was not the hot water heater, it was one of the pipes over the hot water heater and it had a crack in it.  He fixed the pipe and we were good to go. 

When I got home.....there was a letter from my homeowners association telling me we had a violation.  Our shed needed to be power washed.   Well, I took a good look at it and yes, it does look like it is in need some TLC.....but right now?? I mean I am juggling the bills with Bob out of work and so far am making it work but these extra darn bills keep popping up.  I called the HOA and told them I would do something about it in the spring but I would not be taking care of it now.  I wasn't quite that nice and the words I used were far more colorful.  I can't wait for the management company to hear my message on Monday.  I did tell them if they felt strongly enough about it they could come and power wash the shed and pay for it themselves.  I can't wait to see what happens when they call me back.

Oh and remember that I have to take the dog to the vet once a week FOR LIFE to have his ears cleaned?  Well, Jenn noticed a rash on his now he is back on med's and the $5 I had budgeted for the weekly ear cleaning turned into $60 of course with a return exam in two weeks......well at least I can combine that visit with the weekly ear cleaning......

Maybe I shouldn't ask that the bills stop.......I am going to try reverse psychology and maybe my luck will change.........I am not going to say it can't get worse because as we all always can.......

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