Sunday, October 14, 2012

Random Stuff.......

The last few weeks have provided a lot of material for this blog but to make every one's life easier it will just be this one if I sounds like I am rambling.....I am.

I love football.  I love Baseball.  I love the Gamecocks!! I love the NY Giants!! I love the Yankees!!  So this time of year is nirvana for me.  Except when.......we have a day like yesterday....ugh.... USC lost......Yankees lost and Jeter broke his ankle.  The Giants are on TV here this afternoon and the Yankees are on too at the same time......double ugh.......well at least with picture in picture I can keep up on both games.  Would someone in the TV scheduling department take my viewing needs into consideration???

The Fall;
I love autumn.  Pumpkins, Halloween, the sound of leaves crunching as you walk (OK that is not happening in South Carolina......we don't get that sound until if we are lucky Thanksgiving....maybe Christmas).  I love sweater weather.....where I live it is more like sweat weather for months on end.  This week it is supposed to be in the 70's.....that is fall for us!!! I drove by Lowe's last weekend and they had their Christmas trees and decorations out on display.  I love Christmas as much as the next person but can we at least get past Halloween before we trim the tree?

I love my job.  No, I do not sit at my desk playing on my computer all day as has been alluded to by some.  Unless you work in a mortgage operations job you have no idea of the stress, deadlines and pressure that makes up the job.  Friday was a humdinger of a day......problems, issues, rushes, goals and anything else that can make a day fly and your blood pressure go up.  I know everyone has parts of their job that is stressful and mine is no different.  By the time I left the office Friday, my brain was fried......I couldn't make one more decision. Tomorrow morning it is back up and at it again..........I can't imagine how it would feel if I hated my job.

I am blessed with some wonderful friends.  They have helped me through what has been a difficult year.  I really make a conscious effort to not be negative about things in my life when I talk to them but sometimes I can't help it.  So, I apologize if I have been a downer to talk to.....I promise to try and do a better job!!!  Last week, my sister had something going on in her life that was pretty serious.  I was so happy when she told me a good friend (shout out to Sheila Miller) showed up to sit with my sister while Cheryl waited for am important decision. 

The Gym:
I have been letting my job come between me and the gym.....not good.  I have been getting there on the weekend but not the twice a week I had normally done.  Well this is back on track.  I have to force myself to leave work and do what is good for me.  I am going to try and be flexible as far as what days of the week I get there and that may help.  Where is it written that I must go on Tuesday and Thursday.....why not Monday......why not Friday???? Back to a minimum of 4 times a ifs ands or buts......promise!!!

The Weight:
I am in such a quandary about would think after 3 years I would have this figured out.....but I am as confused about it all as I was almost three years ago when I started this journey.  I have tried resetting, refocusing, refiguring.......but I am still no where near where I should be......I still hate the way I look......I hate that others look at me as the fat maybe I still hate me.  But somewhere inside I still haven't given up......I can't give up......I need to believe.  I know people love me for who I am.  I know I have a lot to offer.  Part of what I have to do is love me......I am working on it!!   I heard a story that once someone asked Michelangelo about a sculpting he had done out of marble.  They said to him you created something beautiful.  He said it was inside all the time all I did was remove the excess pieces on the outside.  Maybe that's me.......I need to break away the outside so people can see what's inside of me.

The list above ......they are all things that are important to me (in no particular order). I didn't mention my family because they are stuck with me (sorry guys but dropping me in not optional...LOL).

So there you have random thoughts on this Sunday afternoon in October........

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