Sunday, January 27, 2013

Quoting Me Back To Me.....

Early in the week I was in a managers meeting, one of my friends said to me "are you getting out early at the end of the day like you said you would?".....later in the week someone on my team said "don't forget you said you were going to stay positive this week." 

I haven't had someone quote me back to me so it was funny.  Hey, if I am willing to put my thoughts and words out there it is nice to know that someone remembers what I wrote.  Even if they say it as a gentle reminder of what I have committed to do.

I finally got to the gym this week for the first time this year!!!!! That nasty cold is finally gone!!! It felt so good to get in the pool and jog for close to an hour.  I remembered to charge my Aquafit  so I was a happy camper jogging in the pool to my favorite tunes.  A gentleman who had just finished doing laps stopped in front of me to ask me about the Aquafit.  I told him about all of the options it offers.  When I got out of the pool he asked me how long I had been jogging for....I told him almost an hour.....he said "that's great!!"  (He had gotten in the pool after me and was done with his laps before me.)

I read up on the Weight Watchers Mobile  about the new 360 program.  Sometimes it is good to go back to the basics and refresh my memory.

This coming week is month end.  In the mortgage business that means it is so busy.  My team has a big goal.  We have to clear to close 268 loans.....that is more than we have ever done before as a team.  Friday morning we have finished 200.  Usually, we get a report so I can keep track of how we do throughout the day but there was a system glitch so I wasn't able to keep track.  I am hoping when I get in tomorrow we will have another 10-15 done and just have 55 or so to go in 4 days.  On Friday, I can breath again for another 4 weeks until month end is here again......

I already got the results of my mammo back and everything is fine.  That's price you pay to see how flat they can squish your boobs.  They looked like big flat pancakes.  OK and why do they tell you to hold your breath??  What do they think I would do while part of my body is being squeezed between to pieces of plastic??

So mammo good......close to month end goal.....back in the to wear make-up to work again (which is good for me and those who have to look at me too).  Still working on the toenails getting healthy.....

Not a bad week and really starting to feel more like me again.....and you can quote me on that!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What I Am Doing To Climb Out Of The Blues.....

Today, I purchased nail oil.  I need to put it on my toenails every day so they get back to normal so I can get them painted again when I go for a pedicure.  I am hoping to start to see an improvement within a week.  Not that I will get them painted in a week.  I have a few weeks before my next pedicure and I will see how they are then......if they still don't look normal, I will give it another 4 weeks and hopefully then they will be good to go.  Note to not go 4 years without letting my toenails breath.....

I am now sleeping in a reclining position for the first time in 3 feels so good!!!!

My eyes have stopped maybe just maybe I can start to wear make up again tomorrow.....WOO HOO!!!

I am still having some coughing fits but am planning to return to the gym next Saturday.  I so need those endorphins!!!!

I did not stay at work later than 7:00 any night last week!!! This week I am shooting for 6:00-6:30....hey the whole point of me going in early in the morning was to get out the next week I would like to get out at least 2 nights a week at 5:00 so I can hit the gym during the week too.

Writing my blog on Sunday!!! Another plus.....

I started playing with my hair and kind of figured out the way to have it lay right in the front but still have some height.....another good thing.

I am playing around in my head with a story......not sure if I could make it novel length but at least I am starting to think about it.  Also searching for some writing opportunities......

I bought an electric griddle for was $39.99 on sale for $19.99 and had a $10 rebate......just had a grilled cheese sandwich,.....made it with low calorie bread used brummel and brown instead of butter and just 2 thin slices of was yummy.  Oh and that bean soup I made a few weeks ago....took some from the freezer the other night and had it for was amazing!!!!

All this being blahs seem to be fading.....thank goodness!!!

Tomorrow I start my day with a 7:45A.M. mammogram.....LOL.....what a way to start the day and the week....but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do......

I am also going to try.....yes complain less......this is hard but I think I need to give it an one wants to be around a "Debbie Downer"  right.......

Oh and did I mention that I finally realized that I do not have to stay up until 11:00 or later each night??? Yes, I can go to bed earlier and the world is not going to stop turning.......why the heck did I think I must stay up until 11:00 or later......I have a DVR so I am not going to miss my favorite shows....right??

I also took time to get caught up on the magazines that have been piling up on the end table.......there was an article in Good Housekeeping about having a "journal of gratitude".....Hey, I have been keeping one for about 5 years now......some days it is so hard to come up with those 5 good things about the day.....

Today's 5 good things......hhhhhmmmm....
1.  Great grilled cheese for lunch.
2.  Reading the Sunday paper on Sunday.
3.  Blog entry for the week done.
4.  Recorded 2 parts to a good series about US Presidents.
5.  Starting to feel like me again!!!!!

Sorry for being such a drag.........hope I won't go there again for a long long time.......

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Blahs.....

I haven't written in two weeks.  That's a long time for me.  I mean I have skipped weeks before because I was busy and had a lot going on.  This time it has been a big case of the blahs......

The holidays are over, the one year anniversary of Mom's passing, a nasty head and chest cold or something like that for two weeks, oh and because of the teary eyes from sneezing and coughing I have not worn make-up in two weeks even to work......those of you who know me well know this is a major going to work sans make-up unheard of....  not stepping foot in the gym for over two weeks because of the chest cold, going to work early and staying late, I went to get a pedicure and since I have gotten pedicures every month for the last few years my big toe nails are dry and they need to breath so I had to go without don't understand....there is so little I like about myself least my polished toes made me happy now I don't even have that....ugh...working on the week-ends and on and on.......blah, blah, blah.

Like Cher said in Moonstruck......SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!

The chest/head cold will fade and I will be able to get back to the gym.  I am trying to get out of the office somewhat earlier.  I have gone through one year of each occasion without Mom.  And the holidays......well they will be back again before we know it and there is a lot of fun to be had before then.

I think it just has been everything coming to a head and I was bound to crash. 

I am hoping to be back at the gym soon.  And I can get those endorphins making me feel good!!!!

I have been true to my New Years resolutions.....eating healthy (protein drink and oatmeal for breakfast), trying not to let my job be my life (OK a work in progress) and now need to get the gym part going. 

Time to look for new adventures, spend time with friends, take a nap on the week-ends and kick my self in the ass to get moving.

OK that was my little pep talk to me.....let's hope I listen.....

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Looking Backward and Forward.....

OK....losing Mom on the first day of 2012 was not making the year look very promising but surprisingly there were some good moments.

February- Greg and Terry came to visit.  We spent Super Bowl Sunday together with Cheryl's family watching the Giants beat the Patriots.

April- Mom's Memorial Service.  It was great to see so many people come out to remember Mom and to spend the week-end together.

May- Jenn and I spent a week-end at the beach.

July- My first real vacation in years.  Barbados with family.  Beautiful beach, pool and free drinks!!!

August- My first attempt at painting....LOL.  OK art is not part of my future as a hobby!!!

September- I was a finalist in the TD Dessert Contest.  I did a whirlwind trip to Philadelphia for the contest and came in 3rd.

Jenn and I took our CWP class and passed.  (Concealed Weapons Class)

October- December went by in a flash.

December- did a quick road trip to Florida to spend Christmas with part of the family.

and here we are New Year's day 2013.

What is coming up this yeay?

Heading to Missouri in July for a family reunion with Mom's family......can't wait!!!!

Hopefully, getting together with my cousin's Debbie and Karen in a location to be decided later.....hint, hint Karen....LOL.

And yes I have the usual goals of getting healthier, losing weight and exercising more.  More time with family and friends.  Laughing more and crying less (the crying part is hard since I cry when I am happy, sad, angry, frustrated or laughing.....see what I mean??).  Do my job and do it well but not make it my life.  I have to remember I have a life outside of my job.  I am going to try and remedy this by going to work earlier each day so I am not still at my desk late at night.  I must get back on my routine at the gym....4 days a week minimum!!!   I have been faithful to my writing but have not yet figured out the being published part.....something I need to work on.  I have been able to read more....thank you Kindle and IPad.  I am starting to learn things can be fixed instead of ignoring them ....example.....for years the cold water has run slow into the washing machine which made doing laundry a drag.  Well guess what.....the washing had to be repaired and the repairman also fixed the slow running cold water. I need to focus on healthy meals......right now I am soaking beans for a bean soup....very healthy loaded with protein and fiber.  One of my Christmas presents was a salad organizer for work.....I will.... yes..... I will be making my lunches at night instead of waiting until the morning which slows me up from getting to work early.  I also got a small crock that I can use to heat up my lunches which gives me more options like bringing soup to work.    I will try to appreciate the small things, take time to smell the roses and not pass up opportunities to do things out of fear. 

I hope when 2013 ends I can tell you some things I have accomplished.  No, I won't be climbing any mountains or bungee jumping.  But if I can end the year telling you about some new adventures out of my comfort zone that will make for a successful year.

Thank you for continuing to read my entries and giving me means so much to me.

Happy New Year......may it been one filled with the good things in life for all of you!!!!!