Sunday, March 30, 2014


Life is filled with "rights of passage"......

I remember taking Jenn for her first library card.  She had to write her name on the back of the card.  I wish I had saved it.  Her 5 yr old signature took up the complete back of the card. I loved when she asked me "I can take home any of these books?"

The first time Jenn got on a school bus, I drove behind the bus to see what route it took.  I didn't feel too bad since there was a long line of cars with first time parents following the school bus.

From proms, to driving, to graduations, to voting for the first time, to becoming legal.......all passages.

Your first car, your first job, your first love, your first broken heart.

There are weddings, births, divorces and sadly deaths.

Some passages may seem to be a minor event.......such as getting a library card.

Some change you forever..........losing a loved one,  I now think of things as while Dad was here or after he was gone.  Also the same with Mom., was it before or after Mom?

This past week was another passage......the first of the Welch "firsts" passed away after a tough battle with cancer.  My cousin, Gina, was one tough woman and didn't go quietly into the night.  Her life was celebrated on Friday and I am so sorry I wasn't there and didn't get a chance to say good by.

I think as I get older the passages of life become more significant.  Maybe because now in retrospect I realize how precious life is and each day is a gift.

So whether it be finally being tall enough to get on the grown up rides at an amusement park or looking for the perfect place for that final/retirement move or hearing your baby laugh or watching that same baby grow up and leave for's what makes life special and hard and happy and sad.

My sister once said she wished she had known when it would be the last time she would give one of her children a bath so she could have appreciated it more.  Or the last time I held Jenn's hand to protect her while we crossed the street.  But I think if I knew it would be too hard and would in a small way break my heart to know it would never happen again.......

But I also believe there is a place where we will all go......a place with no pain or sickness or cancer.......I think it will be a place where all things are good and happy........

Gina went there this week.......and it's nice to know she will be there to greet me with all the others I have loved and lost during my life's passages.......

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