Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Week That Was.......

Tuesday, Bob and I went to the bank so he could open accounts for Social Security which he will start collecting in just a few months.  At the same time, I had his name removed from my accounts.  Jenn is now on ALL of our accounts......poor thing!! Another part of heading toward Chapter 3.  For over 30 years it has been our is now his money and my money.

Wednesday, Bob tried getting his SS application done on line and on the phone and it became a mess. When I got home from work, I did the application in 10 minutes.  Even if he had gotten into the application, he couldn't have completed it.......they needed my many of you know this has been a bone of contention in our house for years.  Ask him when my birthday is......the answer is Thanksgiving.  Yes, I know that Thanksgiving changes every year but in his's Thanksgiving.

Friday, Jenn and I went out after work with my friend, Mary.  It had been way to long since we had seen each other.  I so enjoyed just taking some time to decompress and not just run home from work.

Saturday, We had a lot of errands to day.  We had 13 stops on our list.....yes I said 13.  We were at the gym by 8:00 and pulled back in our driveway at 3:15.  At 6:15, we were out again to go see a HS production of Hairspray with friends.  It was a lot of fun and I laughed a lot.

Sunday,  today I finished our tax returns.  I did a couple of versions to see which way would work best for us.  I did married filing jointly and each of us filing married but filing separately.

Random thoughts.....

It seems strange getting separate accounts to match our separate bedrooms but this is all part of the hard as it was I know that these are all necessary steps needed for us to move ahead.

On the brighter side......I broke down and got the matching pillow shams for the quilt I bought a few weeks ago......for Chapter 3.

Bob and I had a should I said it......."interesting and loud" conversation about who should pay for MLB this season.  I don't watch it so why should I pay for it.  In years past, Jenn and I would give it to Bob as a birthday and Father's Day gift.  My thought was why doesn't he pay for it since he will now have money to pay for it.  He didn't agree with this thought process. Let's just say I tabled the discussion for a later date.  Maybe we will split the cost but the additional charge to my cable bill for his cable box (the room he is in right now only has basic cable) will be on him no doubt about that......

Separate accounts, separate bedrooms, splitting needed to happen......I am just trying to do it and not let every decision be a battle.  I am really, really trying to be fair whether or not he believes that.......but I also have to look out for me......

There is no going back.......I need to look ahead and make sure the baby steps I am taking are in the right direction.......heading to the future and Chapter 3.......

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