Sunday, July 27, 2014

Small Gestures.......

After last week's entry about death and envy.  I decided to lighten it up a little this week......

Actually due to the kindness and thoughtfulness of some friends this entry was easy to write.

It is about the small things in life........the things that may not matter to one person but do to another.

Life is made up of small gestures. Yes, we might have that occasional big grand moment but those are few and far between.  It is the small unexpected moments that make life what it is........

I was a kid that appreciated just about everything I was given.  I remember a favorite aunt and uncle giving me a small toy purse with play make-up in it.  At the time it cost maybe 50 cents.  I was thrilled.  I can still picture it in my mind.  It was not a big toy or an over the top gift but something that said to me "we thought of you,  Donna".

A few things have happened recently that made me realize that people care about me and listen to me or remember what I write.

For example,  I had a business dinner to attend this week.  I struggle with dining out and making the right choices.  Problem of my friends at work printed up the menu from the place  we were going to so I could see what my options were.  We discussed what would be best and I went to the dinner not having to pray over the menu.  I will admit my friend and I did have a taste of some of the appetizer's we had thought we wouldn't eat.  We both agreed that in days past we both would have overindulged instead of taking a small sampling of each.  It may have sounded like a strange combination but my shrimp as a main course even though it was on the appetizer part of the menu along with green beans steamed in teriyaki sauce and collards was a filling dinner.

Another good friend surprised me with a yard banner and the metal stake to hang it on.  The banner says "Life is better in flip flops".......and most of you know I am addicted to flip flops and as I told a friend  last week......I wore flip flops before they were a fashion statement.

Jenn knows I am such a procrastinator....... in order to "help me" .....she assisted me with going through my half of the bedroom closet and some of the kitchen cabinets today.  I was basically given about 10 seconds to say keep or go and then another 5 seconds to say pitch or Goodwill. It was about 50/50 as far as what got pitched and what went to Goodwill. And instead of the normal Donna who leaves the Goodwill boxes in the living room for a period of time......not today....Jenn got out the cattle prod and we dropped three boxes  at Goodwill late this afternoon.

Now let's talk chopsticks..........a pair of wooden chopsticks......they probably cost 10 cents if that much........another friend of mine gave me a pair this week.  Why a pair of chopsticks?? This person remembered I had written in my blog a few weeks ago that one of the 12 things on my list was to learn to eat with chopsticks.....I am not going to use them though.......I am saving them as a reminder so when I have a bad day that I do have people that care about me and hear me too. I will still eat a meal with chopsticks but not those......they mean so much to me.

So there you have it..........

a trip to Goodwill (and cleaner closets).......a menu.........a banner......and chopsticks........small moments.....small much better can it get......

Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of the three boxes we donated to Goodwill......

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