Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Table For One......Item 4 On My List......Check It Off!!!

Jenn was working what we refer to as Super Bowl Week at USC.  Moving in week is amazing!!  Her department basically examines and if needed, repairs a small city during summer break and then the Super Bowl.....moving in days.....within a period of 4 days over 6000 freshman and Lord knows how many other students return to campus.  During this stretch Jenn's group works 12 days straight and long hours......

But enough about Jenn.....LOL!!!!

Yesterday was a me day......since Jenn wasn't around and Bob and I don't do anything was all about me!!

As you know I have been struggling to begin and do things alone......yup just me.....just Donna.  Some of you might think or say "so what's the big deal???"  I have spent most of my life doing things with other people.

But as I move into Chapter Three's just me.......

Saturday, I started the day by going to the gym alone.  I got there early and finished my workout by 9:30.  I drove by 2 movie theatre's to see what time two movies I wanted to see were playing.  Once I got home, I loaned my car to Bob so he could run some errands.  While he was gone, I did a lesson on Rosetta Stone and wrote a few more pages in a fiction novel I am writing.  I did some reading.  I did some looking online (note I did not say shopping since I did not purchase anything I just put things in my cart for future reference).

My aquabeat which I love to listen to while jogging in the pool is dying so I went to order another one and found out they were on sale for 1/2 price!!! I did order that right away.

All in all a very relaxing me day......

Sunday, I got up early and watched a DVR'd episode of Mad Men.  Then I went to the gym alone again.  OK this is a first for me.......I was in the gym parking lot 10 minutes before they opened and was the third car there.  I found out if I held down the volume key on my aquabeat I could still hear the I jogged for more than an hour switching it back and forth between my hands holding down the volume button.

I left the gym and thought OK what's next.  I was hungry.  I could have come home and had something to eat but then thought about the things I had done alone this weekend and decided to really challenge myself and go out to breakfast......alone.....yes ALONE!!!!!!

I decided to go to Lizard's Thicket, a local chain home style restaurant.  I thought I was being smart by not hitting one of the more fancy brunch locations but I forgot that I would be running into the after church services crowd.  I pulled into a parking spot and just sat there.  I watched people going in and out.  The joint was hopping!! I sat there maybe 10-15 minutes trying to decide if I should go in.  I finally made my move.  I grabbed a book I leave in the car, my cell phone and a local paper "The Columbia Star".  I figured that would keep me occupied while I ate breakfast.  Did I really need all of wasn't going to be there for 2 hours....LOL.

Guess what happened when I walked in alone..........................nothing!!

There was no spotlight on announcement over the public address system announcing Donna Pizzolongo had arrived to dine alone.  There was no waitress screaming "I have someone here alone .....where can we seat a single?" LOL

Instead, I picked out what would normally be a booth for two.  The waitress asked if I was waiting for anyone else and I very bravely said "No, it's just me."  She brought me my coffee (decaf thank God) and took my order.  I had a western omelet made with egg whites.  No bread, biscuits or hash browns.  I did ask for turkey sausage.  Then the waitress came back and said would I like grits since I wasn't having anything else and I said sure ( I do love grits) and she wanted to know if I would like the turkey sausage in my western omelet instead of ham......that worked for me!!!

I took my time, played with my phone and didn't make eye contact with too many people.  I did look around and saw a lot of families having breakfast together.........I was just a little envious.......but still feeling OK.  I didn't rush my meal and even had a second cup of coffee.

And guess what.....before I knew it I was done eating.  I never even read the paper or book I brought in with me.  I did laugh with a few people around me because there was a poor baby screaming and crying to beat the band and the parents took probably 5 minutes too long to decide one of them should take the screaming baby outside.

I left a tip for the waitress, paid my bill and got back in the car.  I did let out a sigh of relief that I made it though a dining experience alone.  You need to know this is huge for me!!!!

Oh and on the way out no one yelled....."that lady who has been sitting there alone is leaving now"....LOL

So what's next....a lunch alone......a dinner alone (that will be the hardest one) and yes even a movie alone......

I took another step today and may sound silly but I am kind of proud of myself........

Oh and here is what a breakfast for one looks like......

 See you next week......

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