Sunday, August 10, 2014

Moods and Emotions ......THE HIGHS.....and......the lows......

Last week, I experienced a variety of feelings in both my personal and work life.....

At work......I had a high and a low.

HIGH- I reached out and saved a deal that appeared to be lost.  When I knew the customer was staying with us I did a fist pump in the air.

low- a customer used a social network to air their concerns.  And lucky one even spells my name right......but this time it was letter perfect.

On the personal front......

HIGHS- Dinner with a good friend at Cracker Barrel.  One suggestion......could they please find a way for me to get to my table without going through the gift shop?? And could they not run such great sales........who can pass up 50% off some great items.  Next time, I will ask for blinders at the door and a handsome escort to get me to my table.

Also, had breakfast with my sister and brother-in-law this morning.  We had a great visit!! I was able to get showered, dressed and out of the house in less than an hour......a record time for me.

Yesterday, while at the gym I was jogging in the pool.  I watched a Dad trying to teach his son(who was about 7 years old ) to swim.  The Dad was patient and did a great job working with the young boy.  The kid was smiling and Dad was encouraging.  I couldn't help but grin myself watching them together. When the little boy got out of the pool I gave him the thumbs up.  As he left he waved to was one of those brief encounters that made my day.  Oh and I guess it doesn't hurt to mention that Dad was in fantastic shape....LOL!!

I used my new water bottle this week and filled it up at least once a day. And my friend who got me mine also brought me one for Jenn in pink no Jenn says her signature color.

lows-there was a how should I say.....a heated FB conversation this week among my Ohana regarding the date of our next family reunion.  The Welch's are to put it mildy a family of strong personalities.  Fortunately, by the end of the week the feelings of our family elders were taken into consideration and it appears the date has been set.

There were some mornings when I was dragging when the alarm clock went off at 5:30 A.M.

I wasn't very creative in my meal choices this fact my choices were downright boring.

Life is made up of HIGHS and HIGHS were not about winning the lottery and the lows were not devastating......

BUT I am already working to avoid the lows this week if I can.......

I have already put together a variety of lunch ideas for the week.
I am leaving dinners this week flexible....this usually means I eat less.
I am going to try to go to bed a little earlier each night which might mean not dragging myself out of bed each morning.
I am sincerely going to try to enjoy the journey vs focusing on the destination (great advice given to me by several people).
And I will think about weight loss and getting healthier but not obsess about it.

Chapter Three is in the early stages or reason to rush.....I need to enjoy the ride.....and as with all travels......there are HIGHS and lows.......there is no way to avoid them.......I just have to roll with them......

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