Sunday, August 24, 2014

Challenges, Firsts and Laughter......

My niece, Jill, was diagnosed with Myestinia Gravis recently.  After seeing  a local doctor, she is now seening a specialist who deals with this disease at Duke University Hospital. While there for her appointment, the Dr. had her admitted to the hospital.  No warning or preparation. Jill may be in for  a week and she is in being given a round of treatments that may help improve her condition. MG is not curable but is treatable.  Jill has continued to work and travel for her job.  Her job involves training which means a lot of talking.  Due to her MG, the talking part has at times been challenging.  Has Jill said why me? No!!  Has Jill felt sorry for herself? No!! Has Jill missed a beat in her real world life? Barely!!

Jill and her boyfriend, Tim, have taken a better approach to the challenge they are facing (and I do mean they).  What have they done??? They laugh.  Whether it be laughing about how to put on a hospital gown or finding out Jimmie Johns delivers to the hospital or taking pictures of the special socks Jill has to wear to avoid blood clots  or learning the joys of a sponge bath......they have done it all.....together......and with a sense of humor.

This is not the kind of challenges kids in the mid 20's expect to face but for some reason Jill and Tim have landed right in the middle of this.......and at times I am sure they feel like they are in the middle of Grand Central Station at rush hour.......

I am so proud of Jill and her fighting spirit and of Tim who sleeps in the chair, runs to buy Jill bacon and somehow they have maintained the attitude that we can deal with this and although Jill may have MG......MG does not have Jill or Tim for that matter.

Many times we look at the younger generation and thinks of them as soft, spoiled, selfish and self-centered......well I am glad to say these two prove all of that wrong!!!  If I was a betting person.....I would bet a whole years salary on them!!! Jill and are amazing!!!

On another subject, I did two more firsts yesterday......
 1. I took the Ice Bucket Challenge

2.  and allowed my  daughter to share the video of me doing it on facebook.  Pouring a bucket (a pot in my case) of cold water and ice over your head may sound a little asinine but it's for a good cause.  I will write a donation check today too!!  OK this is where I may cross the line.....when I watched the video and looked at the picture Jenn took after .....I wasn't horrified at the way I was me.  But because I am leaning over the railing of my front boobs do look like they go down to my waist.......oh well.....I wasn't going to do it again so I could look better that's for sure.....

Lastly, this weeks embarrassing moment (you thought the boob comment was it....nope).......I was searching for the SEC channel on cable last week so I can be ready for kick-off this Thursday night....I know I know what you are thinking....she was looking a week ahead of time?????

Anyway, I thought it was a channel in the 600's.  So there I am remote in hand hitting every button I can think of......meanwhile Jenn is sitting nearby working on her computer getting ready to teach her University 101 class.  Next thing I knew the TV froze.  And of course it would have to be on an "adult" channel....ugh.  There across the screen is the description of the movie  I can view for $9.99.  I am now trying to get the remote unfrozen and then it happens.......Jenn looks up from her computer and says "What the hell are you watching???" and bursts into laughter.  I am trying to explain the frozen remote and fumbling through my words while Jenn continues to laugh and laugh.  Finally she is able to get me away from "that" channel.....and help me find the SEC channel not to be confused with the SEX channel.....

Well that pretty much sums up the week........laughter was the common thread through each event above.....and it sure beats crying!!!! Unless you are like mean and cry when you laugh.......

See you next week.......

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