Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Day Full of Fun and check it off the list...... my first selfie......

I know I was being a pain in the ass......but that didn't stop me!!! I kept asking Jenn what she wanted to do for her birthday.  She threw out  a few ideas and we just went from there.

Actually the birthday celebration started Thursday night with pedicures....loved the color...Peruby Ruby!!

Friday night a quick trip to the Hallmark store to pick up our Christmas ornaments that we have had on lay-a-way since July. Plus I had  bunch of coupons which we used and ended up saving a lot of $$ and walked away with a bunch of freebies!!!

Saturday.....the birthday....started with an early breakfast with a friend who is halfway between Jenn and I in age.  I ate from the Healthy Fixin's Breakfast choices at Cracker Barrel.  It was very good and I didn't feel deprived!! Jenn found some very pretty scarves that we each bought.

Next......Mother and Daughter make-overs.  Jenn's was with Clinique and mine with Lancomme.   Actually, Jenn had hers scheduled and I was just going to kill time but then decided to have one of my own.  We were both happy with the results and did a good job sticking to the required purchases for the make-over (2 for Jenn and 3 for me).  The lady who did mine was named Beth.  She made me feel comfortable right away.  We chatted and laughed and I so enjoyed myself.

Our next stop was book shopping at Barnes and Noble.....well not really shopping....more like browsing so I could order what I wanted on Amazon and save a few dollars.

Before we entered the store, Jenn decided it was selfie time!! I have never taken a selfie....LOL.  So Jenn and I snapped away.  I had to try to think of something funny to make myself laugh so my smile would look natural.....I struggle with posing  for pictures and then to have to smile on top of is quite a task for me!!!  Well after several attempts we had selfie's we both liked.  On to the book store.....

To me a book store is a little slice of Heaven.  I grabbed a stack of books and found myself a table.  Jenn grabbed me a Pumpkin Spiced Latte from the Starbucks in the Barnes and Noble......I am sure she was ready to shoot me for the order....Pumpkin Spiced Latte minus the whipped cream, add non-fat milk, one packet of sweet and low......and I didn't even bother to say decaf since I had already had 3 cups of regular coffee at breakfast.  We sat there for 2 wonderful hours, talking and reading and talking and was great.

Next stop, I needed to get the posts on the earrings in the 3rd hole in my ears cut shorter.  I didn't think it would take long......wrong!!! I had to wait for 6 people to get their piercings done...ugh.  Oh well, it is what it is.....

What would a birthday be without off to purchase some from the local cupcake store.

Jenn then decided she wanted some new jeans which is why we went to the mall on Harbison and this time I stayed in the car.  As we were leaving the mall, Jenn and I discussed our dinner plans.  I was so grateful when Jenn suggested we just get some skirt steaks at Publix and have them with a salad. I was thrilled......I had been worried about dinner and how it might be hard to work in my Weight Watcher points especially since I had to weigh in this morning.

A quick stop at Publix and we were home.  We had left the house at 7:45 AM and got back at 5:00 about a marathon.

A couple of side notes......

1.  My "selfie" has had more than 100 likes...LOL. I know there are some downsides to FB but it is things like getting 100 likes to a new picture of me that make it fun.  I also loved checking in at each stop a long our way yesterday....LOL.  It was also fun seeing so many people sending Jenn birthday wishes!!

2.  In fairness to Bob, I need to note he did buy Jenn a card and got her a gift which he left on the table for her.  This is a first for him and I felt I needed to give him credit.

3.  My work at tracking everything I eat is paying some great dividends (with Jenn to remind me to write it all down).  I was down another 4 pounds last week and another 1.4 pounds this week.  This is the first time I have been a part of WW and lost consistently week after week......I am so excited.  I will NOT be sharing any specific numbers but will just say I am very pleased with my progress.

4.  OK one problem with my weight loss rings are getting loose on my hands, my shoes are feeling loose, there is definitely more space between me and the steering wheel, I am moving around a bit more than before........ but my ass.....yes I said it my is still as big as ever....ugh......can some of the pounds please some off of my darn thighs and butt.......pretty please????????????

5.  I have decided to make my entry from last week about the t shirt quilt into an article once we get it back and I can take pictures of it.  Then I am going to start submitting it to a few magazines and see if I can get anyone to bite and actually print it.......I feel like it is worth a try.

I know most of you have already seen it but here it is again my first selfie and another selfie with Jenn and me.....

Oh one more thing......this is my 600th post!!! Thank you for reading and responding to what I write each week it means a lot to me!!!!

See you next week......

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