Sunday, November 16, 2014

Aqua Zumba and Me???? Graceful I am not.....

I wanted to get to the gym early.....ok that was my first problem.  I was slow moving yesterday morning. I got to the gym a little later than I planned but was able to spend some time jogging in the pool. My time ran into the water aerobics class so I figured I would just do their workout.  It turns out the regular instructor was out so we had a fill in. She was young and energetic.  It turned out she teaches Zumba and Aqua Zumba.  So Aqua Zumba we did.....

I have seen Zumba classes at the gym and on TV.  On dry land, I wouldn't be able to keep up but in the pool I can.....well kind of.....

First thing I noticed was the is loud and kind of sucks you in.  I took off my water proof IPod and started to listen to the music.

It was amazing and ssssssoooo much fun.  There were some moves that just made me laugh.  Thank goodness for the water so others could not see what I was trying to do....LOL.

The pounding music just made you pick up your speed.  And before you know it you are punching the water and running and swaying back and forth.  I could feel my heart rate rising. If you did something and weren't going fast enough the instructor would call you out in front of the wasn't mean it was encouraging.

By the time I was done I was hooked!!!! I called the gym later on to see what days they have Aqua Zumba and it's Tuesday evenings.....well guess where I will be on Tuesday nights when I don't have to work late.

It was new and exciting.....and that's what I love about the is the great equalizer....I can do just about anything in the water that many can do on dry land.

Today, I was back at the gym doing my hour of jogging which I love but it was not quite as exciting as yesterday.  But having had that experience and liking it so much means I will definitely get to the gym another night each week.  And I can earn more activity points with Weight Watchers.

You can use the activity points to eat extra things but I just use it to burn  more calories.  In the last 8 weeks, I have been down at the scale 7 times and the one time I wasn't down I just stayed the gains!!

Today at my WW meeting they started to discuss Thanksgiving.....ugh....

The leader started to tell us how many points each thing we would normally eat at dinner would be.......ok the turkey not so bad.....1 point per ounce.......stuffing 5 points for 1/2 a cup......and on and on......I will never eat pecan pie again at 14 points per slice!!! Then she had us add up the points we would use for the one meal and add 10 points for what they call the BLT's....bites, licks and could really blow a whole week in the one meal!! It was eye opening and great info.......

Oh just one more thing.......

I had a chance to catch up with some of my friends today for lunch.  Don't you love those lunches where you can just pick up mid-sentence as if you were just together the day before?? We can almost complete each others sentences......

So it was a good week-end......lunch with friends, some education on what I really want to eat for Thanksgiving and of course Aqua Zumba......I think the music is still ringing in my ears....LOL

See you next week.....

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