Sunday, November 30, 2014

So There Is Supposed To Be Space Between My Stomach and the Steering Wheel?????

I noticed it today.........I probably should have noticed it before.  My t shirts no longer have a mark from the steering wheel rubbing against it in my car.  I looked down today and there is quite a gap there now. WOW!!

What's next?? Is it  true that your thighs are not required to rub together when you walk or is that just a vicious rumor???

It has been quite a week......

Monday was my birthday.  Pretty non-eventful.....actually it kind of sucked.  Jenn did give me an amazing wreath with a beach theme for Chapter 3.  Other than that there were no mariachi bands or flower deliveries or anything like that but at my age what the hell was I expecting????

Wednesday, I had my semi-annual Dr. appt......when the appt starts with your dr. giving you a high 5 and then grins as he goes over all your numbers from your blood work and tells you how great your numbers can you not feel wonderful.  He said he might have to cancel his appointments for the rest of the day because none of them would be as good as mine!! I told him to not look outside because I was going to be dancing in the parking lot....LOL....and a dancer I am not!!! LOL

Thursday started out like Thanksgiving always does in my house.....we watched the parade or really had it on as background noise while I got the turkey breast in the oven.  We were going to eat early since Bob had to go to work at 3.  Then a really great sister showed up at my house.  She lives 100 miles away and drove down to spend a few hours with me. It was a real treat to have her here and the fact she spent over 3 hours in the car for a 3 hour visit touched me ........and made me think about how my Mom would have done something like that.....

After my sister left, Jenn and I did our Black Friday thing until midnight on Thursday (yes, I am one of those horrible people who went shopping on Thanksgiving) and then we went out again Friday morning before I had to sign on to work.

Saturday, we decorated the inside of the house.  We will get the outside done this week.

But today or I should say this morning was amazing!!!! I left the house for my Weight Watcher meeting on time!!! I prayed as I drove there that I would be down the .6 pounds I needed to hit my 25 pound loss.  When I got on the scale, the lady who weighs me said "you had a great week"......I said how turns out I had lost 3.8 pounds!!!! I blew past my 25 pound goal!!!!!

I told my leader, Kay, I wanted to share my blog entry for last week with the group.  Once the meeting started, she told everyone I had a great week and wanted to share something with them.  I read my entry from last week "A View From The Fat Section".  I was nervous but really wanted to share it.  A few minutes later I was done reading and then something happened that has never happened to me in my whole life.......they gave me a standing ovation......I was overwhelmed.  Several people said it was like I had climbed inside their head and they understood exactly what I was saying.  Some even asked for my blog link (and I think I gave them the wrong info...LOL ....oh well I will correct it next week).

But here are some of the numbers that amaze me besides the numbers at the scale......
I posted on my own FB page about what had taken place and received 74 likes and 36 comments
On the New Weight Watchers....One Day At A Time FB page I had 73 likes.
On the Weight Watchers Support/Discussion Group FB page I had 57 likes.
On the Weight Watchers.....One Day At A Time (this is a different group than the one that has New in the title) on FB I had 194 likes and 28 comments.
My blog had been viewed at a much much higher number than usual !!!!

This made me feel great!!!! The support from family, friends and strangers has been beyond my expectations.  Now I am even more determined to keep moving ahead one pound at a time.

I guess the one hard thing for me is that when you are big like me your weight loss doesn't stand out as much for a while......I have my little WW book that shows how much I am down but the person in the mirror will have to wait a while longer for the reflection to change enough for me or anyone else to see.

Well now I need to focus on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but as one very wise member said at my meeting today about wasn't Thanksgiving that got to this was the other 364 days that did us in.......very wise and very true........

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