Saturday, August 22, 2015

It Is Not About The Numbers Is It??????

My leader at WW stresses that it is not all about the numbers.

It is about improving our lives overall.

It is being able to walk longer.   It is moving around so much more than before that someone complains that you are in their way.  It is someone looking for you in your office and you aren't there because you have actually left your desk to go see someone.  You don't realize how sedentary you can get and it becomes your lifestyle. I was in a team meeting the other day and realized I didn't sit  for the meeting like I normally do.  I was leaning against a desk the whole time (probably 25 minutes or so).  I can't remember the last time I did that......I know leaning is not standing but it sure isn't sitting either.

No, I am not out jogging or doing long walks but I am moving.  It is rare now that I ask someone to get something for me......not when I can get it myself......

Tonight, I spent the evening getting all my veggies cooked.  That meant shopping and walking.  Back in forth in the kitchen.  My fridge is loaded with fruits and veggies to get me through the week.

I have decided for now not to talk about the numbers each week.  I have made them too much of my focus.

I can tell I am down by the way my clothes fit or when they are getting lose.  I can tell by the way my watch slides down on my hand instead of staying on my wrist.  I can tell  by the way I had to move the straps on my sandals over a you really lose weight in your feet??? LOL....I guess you do since mine were getting loose.

I will share numbers when I think they should be shared.  I found that the up and down has been affecting my moods and I don't want that to be the case.  If  I am up at the scale that shouldn't ruin my week until the next weigh-in.  I shouldn't dread going to my meeting for fear of not having had "a good week".  Every week is a good week....every day is a good day.  As I said in last week's post....there are worse things than being fat.  And I am working on it and that's all that matters.  As long as I don't give up the numbers will happen.....I am sure of I have to stop beating myself up that right now the scale is moving down at a snails pace.  As I switch things up, I am sure there will be fluctuations in what happens each week.

I can look at my reflection in the mirror and see that changes.  I can look at my closet and see the changes.  I can look at the distance between the steering wheel and my stomach and see the changes.

Changes, changes, changes........ all to the good.......yes......the numbers matter........but that is not the be all and end all.....a healthier life.......a more active life......a life with more yes's than no's......

I have to stop worrying about Sunday mornings.......I have to stop not eating on Saturday's or worrying about what I might eat on Saturday.......I have to stop worrying that I am drinking too much water the day before weigh-in.......and now I find my self starting to worry about eating too much on Friday......

I work hard all week to eat the right things and get some activity in......but I can't control what my body decides to do even if I do everything right......

Today, I weighed myself 8 times.......naked......and the scale kept on coming up with different numbers.....I moved the scale and then pointed it in different that is crazy........

I stressed about the numbers all day and now I know THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!!! No, I am not stopping Weight Watchers or exercise or my work to get healthy but I have to stop obsessing about the numbers each week.......

So it's really about life and not just the damn numbers on the scale..........

See you next week.......

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