Sunday, August 9, 2015

Stress and the Roller Coaster

We all have stress in our lives......some more than others......some create it and for some it just happens.  There is stress at work and stress at home.  Experts will tell you stress and lack of sleep can have an impact on weight loss.

Or it's another plateau.....ugh!!! Down a pound .....up a pound......down .2....up .2......

Since my trip to NY, I have gone up and down the same few is so frustrating.  I was a smidgen a way from 60 pounds gone and now I am a smidgen and a half away from 60 pounds.

I do try to figure out what the problem is.....I try to rationalize......plateau's do happen and they can last for months  (this has been confirmed by many of my WW buddies and leader).

I know I don't get enough sleep and I am a very restless sleeper too which means it is not a restful sleep.  I feel like I barely close my eyes and it's time to get up.  Oh you lucky retired people.......I envy you all so much......

Now let's talk job is stressful......but then again whose isn't.......especially at month end.  95% of the time I love my job even with the stress. Several times a week I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about something I need to get done or something I forgot to do or planning out my next days all know the drill. Then there is stress at home......not going into detail there.

So what can I do????

I have committed to TRY yes TRY to go to sleep earlier at night.  I have committed to try and take one issue at a time at work and not let not let it overwhelm me.  I have committed to try and avoid stress at home as much as absolutely possible.

So my plan for this week is to plan......

I have a plan for my days at work as far as what I MUST get accomplished.......I know that plans get monkey wrenches thrown into them but at least I have a starting point.

I have planned my meals for the week.  I have cooked or prepared most of my veggies and proteins.  I am going to try and not eat the same things over and over....maybe give my body a little shake-up.

I am going to try to unwind when I am done with work for the day.  Who is it that said when you are at the end of your life you will not regret spending more time at the office but you will regret not doing more things that made you happy.  Even if it means watching TV shows where I do not have to think or read a book that burns no brain cells or play silly games on my IPAD, do some writing for the 2 books I am working on or spend some time practicing my Italian with Rosetta Stone......that is what I need to do.

Bed time.....get a MINIMUM of 6-7 hours of sleep.....but shoot for 8 hours.I used to fall asleep with the TV more......I have started to go to sleep in a totally dark room and that seems to help.  I do wake usually to hit the bathroom at least once a night a few nights a week. I know some of it has to do with how much water I drink each day (but I have to tell you I did crave a diet Pepsi this week and fought off the urge) and some of it is due to.......yes getting older.

Maybe this will help the roller coaster ride to end or break the plateau........I know it will happen!!! I have to remind myself to be patient.  I look at where I am now as compared to just 10 months ago and I can see the progress.........I just have to get my body to adjust so more of this fat can fade away.

I hope next week to have a loss but you know what.....if I don't that's OK I know it will happen......I may be behind on where I was hoping to be as far as my weight loss goals but I will get there and I sure as hell am not going back the other way!!!!

You have just read a passage that shows you how my brain works......pretty scary huh......LOL.

OK let's see how the week goes with my "shake it up Donna plan".

See you next week........

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