Sunday, August 30, 2015

What the hell can I eat that is not processed????

I talked to my WW leader today and she gave me some the sodium and try to avoid processed foods and not too many banana's and try sticking to berries or citrus fruit.

I eat tons of veggies and fruits.......

OK the sodium part I get........

I am not a big fan of citrus fruits.  I can eat them but just not in love with them.  Berries??? Except strawberries not a big fan of those either.

The processed food part I don't get......I mean I understand that I should avoid them but other than fruits and veggies.....what the hell can I eat?????

So anything on a label that sounds like a chemical is out........anything that didn't come from the ground is out.....anything with too much sodium is out.......

See my dilemma??????

So what can I eat when I crave something salty?

What can I eat when I crave something sweet?  Are grapes bad too???

I would love to know what it is like to not have to think about every damn thing I put in my mouth.  I would love to know what it is like to not have to think about food and choices constantly.  I would love to lose weight just because of what I am passing up......OK that is a dream I know it!!!

Yes, the rational side of me knows I have done a good job since starting this war on fat.  I know it by the clothes I can now wear.  I no longer sweat out being given a booth to sit at instead of a table (OK I might still worry about this a little). I no longer worry about dying every hour on the hour (now watch I will kick off before I finish this entry).

But here I sit several months into this battle for health and I still have questions........

So I am asking any of you that have suggestions on things to eat that are not processed....suggest away.....I am open to any ideas.....

As you can tell I am kind of in a funk......after my WW meeting I was feeling OK......I went to the gym and jogged in the pool for 75 minutes (and I did it yesterday too). Then I did something stupid and childish.....I started feeling sorry for myself......I started to think will all the things I talk about doing really ever happen?? I started comparing my life to others (which is really stupid to do since everyone has crap going on in their lives they just choose not to share it with the world). Sometimes I can feel so focused and positive and then sometimes I let that little cloud of doubt follow me around.

I want to be the fun person to be I was  not.  The one smart thing I did was grab my lunch and a bottle of water and eat lunch on my front porch while sitting in the rocking chair.  I played some games on my IPAD and just reflected on my life and tried to look for the good.  (It also saved me from being a witch, screaming loon or yelling at the dog).

Then surprise started to rain.......LOL.....doesn't it figure???? I stayed out there for a while even after the rain had started and was enjoying the view. But then had to give in and go inside when the rain started to soak the porch.  Mother Nature won that battle......

So here I sit now inside the house.......listening to the rain....sorting through my thoughts and questions.......trying to figure out where I want to go and how to get there.......

Well, maybe I will have some revelations this never know.......

Each night before I go to sleep I write in a journal 5 good things about the day.....sometimes it's easy and some days I have to struggle let me end this entry with 5 good things about the coming week.....

1.  Tuesday starts of the "ber" months. Hopefully, no more days in the 90's and 100's!!!!
2.  I have a long weekend coming up. Thank goodness for Labor Day but wasn't it just Memorial Day?
3.  Payday. This makes SCEG, Time Warner Cable and my mortgage company happy!!
4.  Fall decoration are up (tablecloth and napkins, plates in the plate rack, small tree in the front window decorated and the wreath on the door).
5. And if nothing else brightens my football starts this week..........USC plays Thursday night......and I can't wait.....GO COCKS!!!!!

See you next week......I promise to be more cheerful as the baseball season winds down (dear God please let the Yankees make it to the post season) and the football season starts (come on Gamecocks and NY Giants)........

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