Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What I Want When It's My Time To Go......

A friend of mine asked me how I came up with the topics for my blog entries.  I said sometimes I know all week what I am going to write about and sometimes I sit down at the computer and think what now? Or sometimes I get into a conversation and that leads to that weeks entry.

A conversation is what lead to this entry.....about my final wishes.......

No, I am not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. I am hoping that my healthier lifestyle will add many, many more years to my life.  But let's all face the fact that at some point it is going to happen......

I was visiting with friends last weekend and somehow we got on the discussion of funerals and what we would like and not like.  You can tell this was not a young swinging crowd by the topic of conversation.

When I said what I wanted it was pointed out to me that what I wanted to take place might be too vague....

so let me be more specific so there are no misunderstandings......

1.  Take me to Leevy's.  This is a black funeral home and I found out that cremations are less expensive there than at your standard funeral home.  I am not sure why they cost less but I don't really care. Why should Jenn have to lay out extra money to turn me into dust??

2.  Make sure I am dressed comfortably including flip flops.  I want to arrive comfy where ever I am going next.

3,  Yes, Cheryl you can throw cheese in with me the last time you see me so I can go out as a grilled cheese.

4.  I do not want a formal funeral service.  I would prefer a gathering with an open mike.  I expect laughter and lots of Donna stories.  I expect tears......of laughter.  Someone will have to be the timer to make sure some people don't go on too long.  Maybe it can be like America's Got Talent and there can be X's and then the person speaking would get the boot.

5.  NO WEARING BLACK!!!! I want people comfy and not somber.....bright colors preferred.

6.  If Fr.Tim Liejewski is able to make it, I wouldn't mind him saying a few words and I would like the 23 Psalm read but that is where the seriousness ends.

7.  I want the cheese poem read......in case you need to know it is in a book in the basket by the fire place.  When I move I will make sure to reveal its new location.

8.  Short of tiki torches this had better be a fun event.  I am not sure where the gathering should be held but I will think about it and let the appropriate people know.

9.  Of course there will be food.......and lots of CHEESE.  Hey, we all know I am a cheese-a-holic!!! And since I can't devour it like I used to at least at my last party there should be lots of it.

10.  Music- OK I call the shots here- the music will be from my IPOD.  Then you can all see how confused I really am.....from disco to the 60's to the rat pack to folk to Broadway Show tunes. My brother can do karaoke to some of our favorite songs.

11.  Photo's of me.....OK if they are not photo shopped then they must be of me looking good.  I do not want it to look like a before and after picture for a weight loss plan.

12..  If there is a funeral procession from the funeral home to the party/gathering.......Jenn Boswell and Mark Sgromolo must at some point pull into the funeral procession and throw on their lights and then take a turn onto another street.  (They can then rejoin the party).  The reason for this......OK I will admit I horrified Mark when I told him if there is a funeral procession and I am stuck in traffic I just throw in my headlights, look sad and get in line.  Then I leave the procession when I get to my destination.....LOL.  I am not being disrespectful......I make the sign of the cross and say a prayer.

13.  OK my ashes.....what should be done with them?? I have my Mom's ashes in a wind chime outside my house.  I love having them there although some days she makes quite a lot of noise.  But should Jenn have to worry about my ashes and Nannie's ashes too?  She doesn't need a deck of dead people ashes ringing in the wind does she??  I have always wanted to go to Italy, Alaska and back to Hawaii.  Hopefully, I will get there in my lifetime but if I don't......Jenn is to use some of the insurance money and take the trip I have always dreamed of with a friend or family member (it is up to her who goes with her so suck up to make the possible travel list) .  They will go to each of those places all expenses paid and leave some of my ashes there.  I would also like some ashes left at the beach.  I originally thought of asking each of my siblings and friends to take some of my ashes to a place they thought I might like but it was brought to my attention that not everyone might think of this as a special event or honor and may view it as a chore or forget to take me somewhere and I would get put in a closet on a shelf.  So I will have to come up with a list of specific people and locations.

Well those are some of the high points of my fond farewell.  As I think of things I will add them to this list but at least I have provided you all with the bullet points to go by.

I think it sound like a great send off......too bad I won't be there.....but the first person who lets out a sob of sadness.....I will come back and haunt you ass through all eternity!!!

See you next week.....

PS I was down at the scale this week.
What Heaven would look like to me.......

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