Sunday, January 31, 2016

Bra's and I Can Wear Something of My Daughter's !!!!!!

We talk about changes.......looser clothes, a face not as full, not hiding from the camera, moving easier and just feeling better.

Will I ever run a marathon.....nope.

Will I ever love hiking......nope.

But as we say at's not just about the numbers on the scale it the whole person.  Improved health, not being sedentary, less med's and on and on.....

OK any guys reading this might want to skip the next section has to do with bra's and boobs....sorry......

Some of the tops I bought last fall are getting loose.  The pants I bought in the fall.....getting loose.....not really...... yet (the fat on my ass and thighs is just trying so hard to hang on to me like a child hanging on to Mommy not wanting her to leave).  But that's OK we don't lose all over our bodies evenly.  Which leads to a new problem.......sagging.  Yes, my boobs are sagging more as I lose weight.  I have always worn bras for comfort.....front hook, stretchy straps, cups that have a lot of give to them.  When I look at recent pictures .....the "ladies" look like they are heading to my waist.  OK they need some support.  I am actually thinking about going for a bra fitting.  I might even get underwires (something I had sworn off....they never fit me right).  At this point in my life bra's should not be a focal point but I guess I spent so long ignoring how I looked out of I am looking at improving my look.

In the next few weeks' I will have to figure it out.  No, you will not catch me shopping at Victoria Secret.......even if I wanted to I don't think I fit into their size range.  I will get fitted and then most likely shop online but like the rest of my clothes I might even pick out colors other than black and unlike least the old me.........

OK guys you can start reading again.......

The NSV's = Non Scale Victories can be......... passing up a food you love (like cheese).......or taking an extra walk around the office.........or needing new underwear (sorry guys).......

One of my NSV's this week happen by accident.......

Jenn was wearing a pretty pink ring (pink is her signature color).  She wears it on her middle finger since it is too big for her ring finger. I asked her if I could look at it and fooling around I pretended to put it on and you guessed it........IT FIT !!!!!!! In fact, it was loose......I was shocked!!!! It once of those small changes you don't think of that makes you smile.  I think Jenn may hide it now since she saw how much I liked it......LOL......

See you next week.....

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ok So I Am A Dreamer......

I don't know if it is the writer in me or just so deep within my soul.......

I dream a lot.......I don't mean the night time kind of dreams. I tend to dislike those kinds of dreams and prefer a restful night sleep.

Is being called a dreamer a bad thing......I don't think so.  Do dreams become reality......absolutely!!

Maybe I dream more than others.......that could be because reality isn't always great.  My life is improving due to so many and friends who stick with me through the bad days.......improved health thanks to WW and the great WW pals I share my journey with.........and each day getting closer to........whatever works for me.

At work, I deal with reality.....every day.....and that's's what I get paid to do.  I am lucky I really like my job......most of the time.  Who doesn't have some bad days at work???? I have some really special people  that are part of my work family.

So what's wrong with coming home getting comfy and dreaming......

A few weeks ago I spent a big $45 on a dream of winning Power Ball...... we know how that turned out....LOL.....since I was back at work after each drawing.

I dream about traveling to places I have never seen and revisiting some that I have enjoyed.

I dream about someday being at a book signing ......for a book I have written and has been published.

I dream about some day becoming a lifetime member of WW because I have hit goal and maybe becoming a WW leader (that would be so much fun).

I dream about .......I dream about......I dream about......

The great part is there was a time when my dreams were just so many of them are just within my reach........

My head and my heart sometimes fight.

My head is the logical/practical/dependable side.  This is the side that has held me back at time and allows my fears to take over and make my decisions.

My heart is the place of my dreams.  It is where anything is possible.  A trip to Italy, a beach house, a published book, a healthier me and on and on.

I have become so used to saying "no" that saying "yes  or maybe" can be difficult.........but it is becoming easier each day. Could it be confidence finally showing up?? Or is it as I get older I worry less about what others think and feel more free to try and less fear of failure??

I feel sorry for those that don't have dreams.......or maybe some people call them goals......unless they have already accomplished everything they want to in life........I don't know too many people in this category......

Well it's Sunday night and tomorrow it's reality time but that's OK........I still have time to dream......

See you next week..........

PS just two more things......

I was down again at the scale today.....yeah!!

My Dad passed away 31 years ago this week.......hard to believe that much time has passed.  But as I sit and watch the playoffs I can feel George Raboni Sr. in the room.  I can see him in all of his family that lives and breathes football.  From taking my brother, George, to see the Giants play at Yankee Stadium to going to some of his last football games in a wheelchair in the he loved those games.  He died on Super Bowl Sunday a year before his beloved Giants made it to their 1st Super Bowl. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and miss him.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

OK So I Was Sucked In Too.......

Let me start by saying I am NOT a gambler.  I would not have fun in Vegas.  I would hate losing money.  I am trying to save money for a variety of reasons.  I am even considering cutting back on my pedicures and waxing to save money.  There are bigger things in my future that take priority over my eyebrows or toenails.

But then there was Powerball.........

In just 2 short weeks, I spent more money than I would ever normally spend for a lot of things.  I was into it for .......get ready......$45.  I went in with people from the office 3 different times at $5 a clip.  I bought tickets with Jenn two different times. 10 tickets (and powered up.....whatever that means).  That $45 was my water bill for the month or at current prices gas for my Ford Escape for 2 weeks.

All for a dream........

I know I was not alone........there were a lot of other people playing that normally don't take a chance on winning.

Well guess what.......I won!!!!! Yes, Jenn and I had the Powerball on two games.  We won $8.  We are going to split our winnings.  That leaves me with $4.....

As planned......I am splitting my share with my siblings.  They will each get $1.......I expect in turn they will share their portion with their children.....which means Greg can keep 20 cents but then will give Greg, Anthony, Robert and Samantha 20 cents each......George gets to keep 20 cents and then give George III., Nick, Danny and Marni each 20 cents......Cheryl also gets to keep 20 cents for herself and then will give Jill, Chris, Michael and Wes 20 cents each.......then G III can keep a dime for himself and then will have to give Zoey a dime and Nick gets 7 cents and will then give Elouise 7 cents and Dominic 6 cents (hey he's younger)......Michael keeps a dime and Victoria gets a dime.......Jill will keep a dime and can put her daughters dime in a trust until she is 21.......

I will ask them to each send me a signed notarized statement confirming these transaction have taken place.  If I do not get these documents in a timely manner........I will NOT be sharing any future winnings with them.

Also, I will be issuing each of them 1099's for their portion of the winnings.  They will each have to claim  their portion of my generosity on their tax returns........and don't come looking to me if you owe taxes.......there is no more money to share........

And lastly, one the topic of losing .......I earned another star at Weight Watchers last Sunday for another 5 pound loss.  I am heading towards 80 pounds in all time loss (that's all time .....not just from this go round with WW).

It was a week of winning and losing..........I didn't win the 1.5 billion but did win by losing when it comes to my battle with the scale.......and right now.......that is much more important..........

See you next week........

Sunday, January 3, 2016

So How Is 2016 So Far???

Well it is really hard to assess a year based on 3 days.......

But if I had to looks like it is going to be a good year......

I ended 2015 spending time with friends.....still home in my jammies before midnight......which was fine with me.

The Christmas decorations are down and put away.  It is a job I dread even with Jenn's assistance.  I have loved looking at the tree for the last few weeks but once it is time for it to come down....I want it down.  I like when I am on vacation....when it is time to go home....I just want to get on the road.

I have gone to the movies twice so far in 2016......that equals the total number of movies I saw in 2015.  Both movies were very good and very different.  Didn't have to use a Sr. discount since the  movies were cheap on New Year's Day and when you go to the movies at 10 AM it is really cheap.  BUT getting a large bottle of water each and a popcorn to share was.........$16.....really????? Thank goodness we brought our own popcorn topping.

The new Weight Watcher program seems to agree with me.  I have  been down 3 out of 4 weeks including today.  It is always nice to end the holidays weighing less than when the holidays started. One of the topics in today's meeting is what to focus on in 2016....tracking, meal planning and activity were all discussed.  The group agreed it is about small increments and non-scale victories.  Our leader said when one member was asked "how much more weight do you want to lose?" Her response was "5 pounds". It kind of like's all about 10 yards.  I think from now on my response will be "5 pounds" because that is really what is it all about.

What I do have to watch is making sure I is that for a surprising statement???? For example, yesterday, I had 2 cups of coffee and suddenly got the shakes....bad.  Jenn asked me what I had eaten and I had to reply "nothing",  So she gave me some turkey pepperoni and I had a few slices of low fat cheese.  I did feel better after that and my intention wasn't to not eat.....I just wasn't hungry.  But I do have to be more aware and make sure I do eat......something. I did spend some time last night prepping veggies and fruit for the week.  I think having options ready does make me more successful.

Jenn and I also went to another Paint Nite class this week.....OK Picasso doesn't have to worry about me as far as competition that's for sure.....but it was fun and social and I woke up yesterday morning and my newest piece of artwork was hanging in my bedroom.

See you next week.......