Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mom's Legacy and How She Continues to Help Me

Today is the day we celebrate Mom' is a day of mixed emotions for me.  I love being a Mom but I also miss my own Mom.

After I had Jenn....... on my next birthday......I sent my Mom flowers.  I think it was an apology for the fact I weighed 10 pounds 4 ounces at birth (oh I am sure that was a fun delivery). As I have said before I probably had my 1st WW lecture in the nursery of  St. Francis Hospital in the Bronx.

My original thought of spending a morning watching the sunrise at the beach didn't materialize.  If I did that I would have missed my Weight Watchers meeting.  Right now that is more important !! I was glad I attended...... it was a good meeting. I was down again this week reversing the trend from a few weeks ago of two weeks in row going up.

Jenn wanted to know if I wanted to go out to breakfast.  All I could think of was long lines and waiting to get a table. So I passed.....

BUT I did tell her I would love a slice of pizza....real honest to goodness pizza.  I had the points for it so that would work for me.  We went and had pizza.....we skipped the usual giant pretzel we used to order with hot mustard.  The pizza was sssooo good.  Then insanity we left from our pizza I asked her if she would like some ice cream.  I have been dreaming of strawberry ice cream.  Well I guess the WW gods had different plans for strawberry ice cream was available at our stop.  Now I was a woman on a about a Starbucks chocolaty chip frappacino....a small one we would share.  So off we went to Starbucks.  Jenn came out with the drink and guess was the wrong thing and it tasted awful....LOL....the WW gods were definitely in control today. So no strawberry ice cream or frappacino.....serves me right for trying to go over board.....

You would think after all this time I would have the WW program down pat..... which I do......but you can see the eating habits that have gone on for years and years are hard to break.

Well I gave up...LOL....even if I wanted to live it up food wise it was not going to I went home and had grapes....not wine...LOL...just plain grapes.

Anyway back to the title of this entry.....

My Mom was awesome.....but I am sure that claim isn't different for most of us.  I miss her everyday.  I have been thinking about her more lately.  There have been quick snippets of memories with her that keep popping in my head.  I am not sure if it is Mother's Day or the sale of the family home or getting past the stage of pretending she is in NY.  I wish she was here now when I am finally at a point where I could spend more time with her.  I wish I could call her and ask her to fly down for a few weeks or get in the car and go visit her for a few days.  I don't feel remorse but I do feel a big sense of regret.  If she was just here a few years more we could have had that time .....but I know there is nothing I can do about it now.......

Maybe it is a hard reminder that I need to spend more time with family and friends.  And that is something I plan to do.......I more regrets.......

Part of Mom's legacy besides the obvious children, grandchildren and great grandchildren...... was the small sum of money that was left for each of her children.

It's been 4 years but I still have most of that money.  I am using it for special things.....a third earring in my ears, a book fair, a writing seminar, a tank of gas on the way to Welch Ohana family reunion in Missouri......and my membership for Weight Watchers.  Mom continues to give to me......I pay for the membership monthly but it was Mom's money that got me started.  So I have her to thank for putting me on the road which has helped me to lose almost 80 pounds so far from my all time high.  I know she was worried about my weight and my health so even in the end Mom is still helping me......

I am not sure where else her money will take me.....a glass of wine in Italy.......assisting me in getting my book published.....the long anticipated tattoo......something extra on my next car.......or something else for chapter three....can you spell BEACH??

In order to make the money last I just use a small amount for each of my new adventures......if the book seminar is $50 then I use $5 from Mom's legacy as part of it, if the tank of gas was $40 ..Mom chipped in $ this rate I can fulfill so many of my dreams thanks to Mom.

Of course, I would I give it all up for one more hour with Mom.  But fate is not that instead I will think of her with every pound I lose or new adventure I pursue when I use just a few dollars from the money she left.....

Thank you Mom for continuing to help my dreams become realities and some day a way off when I reach my goal at will have been because of you......

And here of course are some of Mom's more obvious legacy......sorry I did not include recent pictures of her great grandchildren......Victoria, Elouise, Zoey, Dominic and Cora

See you next week.......

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