Sunday, May 1, 2016

OK I Am Giving It One More Day.....One Hour At A Time......

I have decided that I need to take my getting healthier efforts one hour at a time a day at a time.  This week my "feelings" were all over the map.  Everything was just "this much" out of kilter.  By Friday at 5:00, I was drained.

I was also worried about weighing in this morning. But I was sure I would not miss the meeting and would stay no matter what the news was at the scale.  I am working on all of me not just the physical part.  Thank goodness I did not have another UP week at the scale.  I didn't make up for the 2 up weeks but did erase some of the gains. I made it to the gym and it felt so good to workout I guess the endorphin thing is true.

This week's topic at my meeting was "emotions" could not have been any more appropriate for me?

Life is full of memorable moments.  I just have had a bunch of reminders and events in the last few weeks that have put me on an emotional roller coaster......from sadness to joy.

Let's get through the rough spots first......
this week was the 4th anniversary of my Mom's Memorial Service .  FB now send you reminders of events from the past. That means I kept getting pictures of that week with my family.  Rolling into Mother's Day just made it a little harder.

FB also reminded me of the passing of a dear friends son 10 years ago.  Eric was too young to leave us but left a lasting impression in our hearts.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, my parents house is being sold in a few weeks.

OK now let's get to the GOOD things in life.....

I now have a NEW grand niece....that makes 4 on the girl side and 1 grand nephew holding up his end for the boys.

The flowers are blooming and the herb are growing like crazy. And thank you Debbie for the perfect planter labeled "Donna's Garden" it is perfect for some of my herbs!!

I have started looking for writers workshops and have found some really great options to attend.  Some are a little pricey but we will see.....

I received a AAA magazine this week and what was on the cover....lighthouses......I love lighthouses.  The magazine showed several lighthouses along the North Carolina coast......maybe a trip in the fall to see them???

Life In General:

I know I can appear emotional.....I think there is nothing wrong with wearing your heart on your sleeve......I prefer to think of myself as a passionate person.  I am passionate about everything from family and friends to football.  There are very few things than I sit on the fence about but I also know enough to keep my mouth shut because I could get myself in trouble in at the drop of a hat.....

So here we hour at a time (in some cases it might be one minute at a time...LOL) day by day.....until I reach my goal...yes I said MY GOAL one else has a say......after all it is all about me.......

See you next week......

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