Sunday, July 10, 2016

Switching Things Up.......

Sometimes you need to shake things up a little. It can help break through the plateau's.

I will admit I have been lazy lately about cooking.  I have been taking the easy way out.  All I have been eating as far as veggies is tomato's and cukes.  Easy prep and easy to grab on the run.

After today's meeting (actually during today's meeting) I decided  it was time to get back to more variety.....and a little more effort.  I texted my daughter who was doing the grocery shopping with some additional items for the shopping list: snow peas, edamame, cauliflower, broccoli and zucchini.  I also asked her to get a can of crushed pineapple and some greek yogurt.  One of my WW buddies told me she uses the WW shake with milk, yogurt and pineapple and it tastes like a pina colada......that's worth a try!!!!

I have spent the afternoon prepping the veggies.  I took out  my steamer and have been running the assorted veggies through it.  I took all of the edamame out of its pods so I can eat it as a snack. I made some turkey meatloaves in a brownie pan so they are all the same size. I get 12 mini meatloaves per tray. I feel like I am ready for the week.  I hope this will be the jumpstart to help that damn number move down on the scale.

I had a good week at the scale but as I have said  in previous posts the slowness is KILLING ME !!!!! I need to try to get to the gym more I am sure that will help.  I have to be more dedicated to the excercises I can do sitting in my chair while I work.  Living in SC in July does not bode well for outside excercise (even any kind of walking).  I went to a meeting this weekend and walking was involved. I broke it up into shorter portions but it is NOT something I enjoy.  I had to do the walking to get from meeting to meeting.  My fear of falling is also front and center.  My arthritis filled knees want to strangle me.  The humidity plays with my asthma.  But I didn't give up......I am just the turtle in the race.

I know July  4th is barely in our rear view mirror but I look forward to the fall and the cooler weather.  In SC, that means Thanksgiving......

There are some changes not too far down the road for me.  I am hoping those changes will take some of the stress out of my life.  I have heard that stress can have an impact on weight loss. Going through those changes will be emotional and stressful. I will have to have a pep talk with my fat and sing a few verses of "Let It Go".

As my life's journey continues with all of it's twists and turns, the time coming up shortly will be the most challenging I have experienced so far for a number of reasons.  I may go off the meter emotionally some days and be in total control others.  I know I will come out on the other side a happier person.......I just have to get through it and no one can do it for me.  I will lean on my friends and family as I need to.  There may be anger and fear and frustration and resentment.......don't I sound like someone you will want to be around????

As one of my family members you have no options but to put up with me through this process.  And  if you signed on to be my friend you have to take the good with the bad......sorry!!!!

Thanks for traveling with I walk along this road called is great to have company by my side.....and I wouldn't have it any other way......

See you next week.....

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