Sunday, July 3, 2016

Finding " The Zone"......Again

When I am in "the zone" I am unstoppable !! The hard part is staying there.....

Like a baseball player on a hitting streak, "the zone" is where I can fight off temptations, make the right choices with ease and feel confident.

When a baseball player is in a slump it can be ugly and feel like it is lasting forever. Fighting to stay in the zone is a tough battle.  It is a battle I fight every single day!!

The beginning of the journey is easy. At least it was for me.  The pounds seemed to fly off.  I would read about people taking years to hit goal even when they had smaller amounts to lose than me. I wondered what was their problem? Why was it that the weight wasn't just falling off them?  I thought I would/could hit goal in no time.  NOT !!

After a while, your body starts to fight back and holds on to the fat for dear life.  You get bored.  You get fed up. You get tired of thinking about food and not thinking about food.  You get tired of 1 pound down and 1 pound up.  You start to think am I ever going to lose my next 5 pounds????

When you have lost a lot of weight you hit what I think of as the danger get think I've got lose your fall out of "the zone".

Getting back into "the zone" takes work and desire and the willingness to admit you CANNOT do this alone. It would help to see a week with a good loss.....but as much as you can control what you take into your cannot always control how your body reacts to what you take in. Your body has a mind of it's own.  You just have to keep trying. It means reminding yourself that eventually there will be breakthrough weeks to offset the ups, plateaus and the weeks of neither losing or gaining.

While working to get back into "the zone" you must find the positives!! Look at how far you have come, look at the great feedback from your doctor, look at the mobility you now have, look at how you don't have to ask for a table vs. a booth, look at the clothes getting too big  and think about where you would be if you hadn't started to focus on yourself, your weight and your health........

My desires are small.....I just want to lose another 5 pounds.......nothing more......I cannot focus on anything more than that.....just 5 lousy pounds......and then the next 5 and the next 5.......

I look back at old pictures and that does give me the extra push I need to continue on......taking it one day, one hour and even one minute at a a time.......

Have a Happy 4th of July !!!

See you next week.........

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