Sunday, June 26, 2016

Seeing The World in a Variety of Ways.....

When I got in the shower this morning I thought to myself .......WOW.....things look so clear!!! Then I thought "of course they do you still have your glasses on!!!"

Oh for the days of getting out of bed and not having to do things like put on my eyeglasses, take my med's, I need my glasses on to apply my makeup but can't have them on during the application process so it is a challenge.  I hold a mirror very, very close to me while I make myself up.  I do NOT use the magnifying side of the mirror because the view scares the hell out of me......

In some ways I am regressing....kind of.....I get in the shower without my glasses on and shave my legs.  I think I have done a good job and then I get out in the sunlight and see I have missed a spot or two.  Now I use Nair on my legs.  Picture me rubbing Nair on my legs and sitting on the side of the tub for several minutes while the smell of Nair fills the air and I wait for it to work it's magic.  I also have to remember not to use the towel that I dry my legs with on my wet hair from the shampoo and shower.  I don't need the hair falling out of my head in addition to legs......the things we take for granted......

It does take  take a long time to get my hair to look like I have a normal amount (I can see you all staring at my hair the next time you see me). The good news is I have these new wisps of hair growing in and my hair does seem to be getting fuller.

I wear bras with underwrires to keep the girls up and separated and away from my waist.  I wear Spanx to make things not jiggle and stay in place.....and look flatter and firmer.....

On the plus side of the ledger......

I had a great Dr. visit this much good news......great numbers on all of my blood work and less focus on med's.  We also talked about the goal WW has set for me.  He agreed getting to the same weight I was as a senior in HS was not likely.  We set a more achievable, realistic goal.  And when I get close to that number he said he will write me a letter to support the fact based on his opinion and my overall health my goal should be adjusted.  He said he has done this a number of times for his patients.  It made me feel great that the goal we set while still quite a distance away is achievable and not as overwhelming to get too.

I had an exhausting week at work but made it to Friday.  The days were long but I now have the energy and the ability to push through.  In all honesty though by Friday night ......I felt my age....and Saturday I did very little......I needed the day to recharge.  In my line of work, month end (which now lasts about 2 weeks) is rough and this time of year is one of our super busy times as everyone with children wants to close during the summer so their kiddies can start the next school year in their new location. I understand it but OMG it can be constant and with long days and minimal breaks.  Plus add in the fact that like everyone else we have a lot of vacation time requests during these months.......but as I said the good news was I made it through and I think my improved overall health had something to do with it........oh and lots and lots of coffee.......

I was down at the scale today......not a lot ......but down none the less. There was a lot of discussion about plateau's today and how long they can last.  We also talked about regaining what we have lost and how to prevent it.  I asked the class who had lost and regained weight? Everyone raised their hand.  This is one of the challenges we all face......I am confident that I finally understand that this is a lifestyle and not a diet.  Although the plateau's  and roller coasters of my effort will continue.......I will never go back to where I was at the start of this journey....never .....ever.

My next challenges are there is no class next week and I will be at a writing  seminar the following weekend. I will find time to weigh in at some point but will miss at least one weekly class. The old Donna would have thought "gee I don't have to get on the scale for 2-3 weeks.....I can relax and eat what I want and still have time to get back on track before I get on the scale again"......nope not happening.....I have worked too darn hard this time to play those kinds of games with my head and my health.

Another good thing....a short work week....WOO HOO .....I am looking forward to the long weekend coming up......

As I roll into a new week, I feel renewed focus and determination. I am grateful to wake up each morning. I am grateful to see the improvement in my health.  I am also belssed to have the  support of my family and friends.

Grateful and lucky can a girl get.......

See you next week.......

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