Sunday, June 5, 2016

Taking A Break For A Week.....from everything

Last week, I didn't write a blog case you didn't notice humor me and don't tell me....I want to believe that not having a entry to read left you wondering "where is Donna's weekly post?"

Anyway....up until last week I had only taken 2 days off in 2016. It was no ones fault by my own.....I am not that important that I need to be available to everyone...... everyday..... every minute.  I worked late the Friday before my week off so I had covered as much as possible. What a surprise right???

During the week off....I really unplugged.....part of it was not within my phone app to access my work emails went kaput on Tuesday.  I had promised myself I would not turn on my work computer ALL week and I lived up to that promise until today.  I did sign on today to delete the zillions of emails I rec'd last week, to check time cards and put myself in a good position to return to work tomorrow.  I only worked about 2 hours but at least I will not go to sleep freaking out about what I have to face tomorrow morning.

My week off was just what I needed....time to recharge....time to do what "Donna" wanted to do......time to think about anything and everything other than work.

I went to a few movies, spent a lot of time talking to friends, did some shopping and slept in (well at least for me) until at least 8:00 AM every day.

I also did not track my points, had a few cocktails (OK more than a few) and although I was VERY aware of what I was eating....I did not overindulge.

But as with most vacations, I went back to Weight Watchers today (I missed last Sunday).  I was up on the scale but guess what......I was OK with that !!!! I did not eat pounds of cheese or rich desserts or overindulge on any item in particular.

For one week, I did not track my points on my phone or obsess about what I ate.

I wore my new bathing suit which I really like and the feedback I rec'd let me know it wasn't just me who thought it looked good.

The difference between now and my "old life" is that today I went to my meeting and was ready to begin again.  My tracker is up and running.  I have prepared all my fruits and veggies for the week.  I have my list of exercises that I can do during the day sitting at my table working on my computer.

I needed the break but also knew I needed to return to my healthier lifestyle.  The hard part about this weight loss process is it can be incredibly slow.  My leader asked today what we would consider a successful summer? I said if I consistently do my exercises a few times a day and am down another 5 pounds by Labor Day I will be happy (not that I would be upset if I was down 10 pounds).  It has always been about small steps......if I lose 5-10 pounds by Labor Day I would be down around 90 pounds......90 friggin can I complain about that??

I have been reminded again and again that saying" I have a way to go" diminishes my accomplishments to date......for that reason I am working very hard at just saying Thank You !!

The good part about not taking much time off for the first 5 months of the year means I have a lot of vacation time to use before the end of the year.  Since my company has a use it or lose it policy (except for a 5 day carryover)......I will be using it.....ALL.

Will I take a break from everything again to the level I did this week......I am not sure.  But one thing I am sure of is I will NOT go backwards.......I am in this for life......this is not a diet with an is a lifestyle which I have embraced completely. As they say "this is not a is a live it."

One more thing.....I have been holding on to all of my Weight Watcher weekly weigh-in cards from when I began this journey.  I decided that I only need to  keep the newest one and will shred the old ones......I don't need them to know where I was and how far I have come.  Weight Watchers has the official records and I have pictures and old clothes and memories of how I looked and felt......I am looking at it like a fresh start......out with the old in with the new.  It's like when I got rid of my bigger clothes (I did keep a few for a visual reminder but the majority are gone).....I need to be looking ahead not behind (no pun intended).  I even have some tops from last summer that I am ready to donate to Goodwill.....that feels great!!

Well, I am recharged and ready to get back to the real least until about noon on Monday.....but the good news is my next bunch of days off is only a few weeks away.........

See you next week......

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