Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Can I Say About An Orange and Other Stuff.....

I hate oranges.  Wait correct that statement.......I used to hate oranges.  Actually it wasn't so much was peeling oranges.  How lazy can a person be???? I also do not like oranges with seeds.  Guess what......there is such a things as seedless oranges!! I knew I needed to kick it up a notch with fruits.  I am great with veggies in fact there are very few I do not like.

I have been buying seedless oranges and peeling them as soon as I bring them home.  I put each one in a zip lock sandwich bag in the fridge.  When I am ready to eat an orange I can just grab one and am good to go.

Why can't my desire for a healthy happier life be as simple??

Each Sunday, I stress out on my way to my weigh in.  I review my week and the choices I have made.  Most times I walk in feeling like I had a good week.  Today, I was sure I would be down......and I was.....just not as much as I thought I would be.  I have given up trying to figure out how much the scale will move.  Today at my meeting we discussed this very issue.  First, it is not a race.  Any movement of the scale downward is good.  Yes, they say you can lose "an average of 1-2 pounds a week".  Who do you know has consistently lost 1-2 pounds a week......very, very few. Sticking with the plan is not always easy and takes thought and preserverance.  You have to be willing to fight through the plateau's and even worse the up weeks. We discussed portion control which is key to success.  Portion control means it is not a free-for-all regarding foods that are zero points. Yes, that means just because grapes are zero points you cannot eat a pound of them in one sitting......same with veggies.

We were asked what food had it been the hardest for us to control or try to minimize or not eat on a daily basis?  For me the answer was so easy........CHEESE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE cheese.......I adore cheese.......I am a cheeseaholic.  I miss cheese.  If there was only one food I could eat for the rest of my got it.....cheese!!! I miss it and think of it as an old friend who might not have helped me make the right choices.  Was it cheese alone that got me to my heaviest weight....NO!! But did cheese play a part.....YES.  I was in denial about the amount of cheese I ate......huge denial.

Now my life is about oranges and grapes and brussels sprouts and I love them all.......but no where near as much as my beloved cheese.

In order to become the best I can be cheese had to be removed or limited greatly in my life.  While oranges have taken it's place I would still kill to have a pound of American Cheese.  Well at least they are both the same color.....

Each day I set out to fulfill my dreams of a healthier Donna. And as Chapter 3 of my life moves closer and closer I know some of the sacrifices I have had to make will lead me to reap the benefits in added years.

One more thing, I pulled a pair of shorts out of the closet today.  I bought them last summer.  They were very loose....almost too loose......and that's what I need once in a while....a visual reminder of where I have been and where I am going.

Here's to the next 7 days......which I take one day at a's to zucchini and grapes and brussels's to portion's to loose shorts and nightshirts that now are falling off of me.

Here is to life .......and each minute I am adding to my life with any tiny movement of the scale I guess that also's to the oranges too.......

See you next week........

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