Sunday, April 30, 2017

Almost Getting Control Of My House.....Kind Of.....

After weeks that have felt like years the end is in sight......

Flooring done....check.
Tear in new flooring repaired.....check.
Inside of house fully painted.....check.
Fireplace fixed.....check.
House, driveway and patio power washed......check.
Shutters, front door and porch painted .....check.
Front porch post repaired....check.
Shed torn down......check.
New smoke detectors installed.....check.
Door knobs on pantry and linen closet replaced.....check

New faucets for bathroom and kitchen....hopefully this week.

Putting the house back together.......a work in progress.

A few questions I have asked myself......

Where did all this crap come from?
How did I possibly store all this stuff and not fall all over it?
How many things did I buy and never use?
Did I once take inventory and think...gee I already have one of those?  Example....I bought two new doorknobs.  Guess what I just found......yup new doorknobs.....ugh.

My pantry is still in a series of boxes.  I will go through them this week and make a delivery to Harvest Hope I am sure.

It might get to a point where Good Will will call to check on Jenn and me once we stop showing up there at least once a week.

We are making progress !! What did I expect after 17 years of doing nothing as far as maintenance on the house?

The work is almost done which is perfect timing as my wallet is getting pretty empty.

The only place that hasn't been touched is the outside storage room.  All that is in there is a few plastic bins, one plastic 4 ft Santa that is about 25 years old, two plastic wooden soldiers that are almost as old as Santa........oh and a snake......Jenn has seen him twice.  She is going to get one of her pals to come and remove him for us.

One day soon, I will have my house back to normal....with a lot less "stuff".

The word exhausted doesn't even begin to describe how we feel.....we passed overwhelmed a few weeks I will be happy just to not see boxes everywhere........soon very soon.....

I am hoping by next week to have more things back in place, Until then I will play find the food from the series of boxes sitting around.......

See you next week,,,,,

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