Sunday, April 16, 2017

Not Just Another Sunday.....

I love the feeling when I first wake up in the morning.  The morning light coming in my window. I usually will lay there for a few minutes thinking about the day ahead or the day past. This is one of my luxuries on Saturday and Sunday morning.  During the week it's more like a fire drill.....alarm off and in the shower within 5 minutes.  If  I languish any longer Monday through Friday I will end up late for work.

This morning when I woke up I had to make a decision.  Do I just take it easy since I ran my butt off yesterday or do I get up and go to sunrise service at 7:00AM?

I opted to go to sunrise service.  I am so glad I did. It was chilly (by South Carolina standards) but a nice sunny morning.  The service was simple and involved clergy from several different denominations.  The messages all different had the same theme....the meaning of Easter and how our lives were changed by one person.

I don't often share my beliefs with regard to religion.  I feel it is a personal matter.  I will say I have struggled with the formality of religion and continue to search for a place I feel comfortable.

That being said.......I believe in God......I believe Jesus died for our sins.....I believe in the power of prayer.....I believe there is something better for all of us when our earthly lives are over,

You will note I said.....I BELIEVE.  I do not force my beliefs on others and I do not condemn those who disagree,

My reason going to the service was simple.,,,,it was the right thing for me to do.  I may be viewed as what are labeled "Christmas or Easter Catholics".  This is the group that only show up at church on those two occassions. At least by going to the sunrise service, I wasnt taking the seat of a regular church goer.

I pray every night before I fall asleep.  In all honesty, there are nights when I don't get through my whole list of things to pray about before drifting to sleep. I always start by thanking God for the day I just finished and ask that I wake the next morning.

Like most people....I pray and ask for more when times are tough.  I also have learned to say prayers of thanks too.....but probably not as often as I should.....and that is what motivated me today to leave the house so early.....I needed to say thank you for the beautiful morning, for feeling healthier, for my family and my friends, my job and all the others things I am blessed with that I take for granted.  I will say an added incentive was not having to get all dressed up.  I even skipped the make-up (yes I did fix my hair and brush my teeth).

I enjoyed that the message at the service included the word Rabboni (my maiden name is Raboni) the minister explained Rabboni means teacher. It is only every few years that I get to hear my family name as part of the Gospel but how special is that?

Next thing I knew,  it was 8:00 and I was back home.

I am not expecting a medal or praise for getting up and attending the service.  I did what was right for me. It gave me peace and that in itself made the trip worthwhile.......

Once in the house I was back to my normal Sunday routines......laundry, cooking and planning for the week ahead.

For about 45 minutes this morning, I was able to think about something more important than me.

Unlike Easter's past, we had no plans for dinner with family or special meal to cook......but it was still a pleasant day wrapped in memories of past Easter's and looking toward those yet to come.

I have another busy week ahead that includes painters and floor addition the job I do to earn a paycheck.....but I am heading into it thankful for all I have been blessed with even when I didn't deserve or earn it......

Happy Easter !!!

See you next week.......

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