Sunday, April 2, 2017

What I learned in 10 days......

It has been said in life you keep learning. .....
After the last week or so I can say that is true......

Day 1- I learned no matter how good your vision plan may be through your employer you will have to dip into your wallet for some money.  Plans change or don't include the things you might need like transition lenses to save yourself the cost of a 2nd pair of prescription glasses for outdoors. Even with a vision plan, I still laid out over $300.  Oh and does any pair of frames cost less than what the plan allows? At least frames you would want to be seen in outside your home.....

Day 2- I learned that although I have loved owning Escapes.......Ford doesn't have a clue about building an engine that doesn't cost you an arm or leg to get repaired. They cram an engine into this SUV that needs a lot of parts removed to do repair work.  I have owned my most recent Escape for 10 years and it has 150,000 miles on it.  I understand repairs need to be done but......6 window motors???? and the a/c replaced ?  and the most recent repair $200......labor $550.....I know I know I could get a newer vehicle but I am trying to hold on a bit longer.

Day 3- I learned that when you go for your annual mammography there are a couple of things you need to be aware of.......the temp is the room is always cold.....are they checking to make sure your boobs react to 32 degree temps?  Also, make sure the computer is up and running BEFORE they put one of your breasts in the machine and flatten it like a pancake.  I was ready for the process to start .....feet facing the machine, body turned right and left breast being pressed as flat as possible.  Then the tech announces the computer is not working.  She tries to get  the computer luck.  Next, another tech comes in to help.  Meanwhile, I am still stuck in the machine trying to be patient.  Finally, I ask to be removed from the machine while the computer issue is resolved.

Day 3- part 2-  I also learned from the tech my breasts are fatty not dense.  My brain must be dense allowing myself to be trapped in that damn machine for several minutes.

Day 4- I learned getting new vinyl floors can create a mess.  My house was built on a slab.  The concrete had to be scraped before a substance was applied to smooth out the floor. I had to clean everything from counters to the tops of cans I had to remove from the pantry floor.

Day 4 - part 2- I learned things can be fixed and it doesn't always have to cost a fortune (unlike my car- see Day 2 above) for the last few months if I take a shower and someone else runs the water in the kitchen sink there has been a loud vibrating sound in the wall.  Well guess what? One of the guys putting in my vinyl floor went to Lowes bought a $12 part for one of our toilets and miracle or miracles the sound is gone.

Day 5- I learned cleaning out closets, cabinets and dressers reminds me of the clown act at the circus.  You think you are done and more shows up.

Day 6- I learned the saying"one man's junk is another man's treasure" is very true. I was getting rid of a couch which was kind of shot.  I asked the guys who were laying the vinyl flooring if they would take my dresser and couch to the road for bulk pick-up.  One young man said "you are getting rid of that couch?" We said yes.  He asked if he could have it.  It is a sofa sleeper and if you flip the cushions over it is in good shape (Jeter has kind of beaten up one side of the cushions).  It turns out the young man was sleeping on an air mattress.  He was thrilled to have the couch.  I told him there was a clean sheet on it too. It was in his truck in a nano second.

Day 6 - part 2- I learned that since I got up at 3:45 AM to go to the airport it was OK to take a nap when I got home.  A nap from 10 AM until 2 PM that a nap?? I did just that and guess what....the world did not stop because I stopped......

Day 7- I learned not everyone knows that a refrigerator should only be moved front and back, especially when moving it on your new vinyl floor.  You guessed it......I now have a very nice size hole/tear in the middle of my kitchen floor the size and shape of a slice of pizza. Yes, it will be repaired and the painters who caused the tear in the flooring are going to pay for it to be fixed.....but come on.....the floor was just barely two days old!!

Day 8- I learned I can plan to death but not everyone is on the same schedule as me.  The painters asked us to pack up a lot of our stuff and make sure we had the furniture moved into the center of each room.  That is exactly what we did.  After the floor fiasco (see Day 7 above), they scraped the boarder off my living room walls and removed all the switch plates, curtain rod holders were taken down, removed picture hangers from the walls and patched holes/dings in the walls.  Then I was told I still need to remove more of my furniture and treasures from my house before they can do anything else.  Really???? So here I sit with boxes all over, no curtains on the windows, furniture in the middle of rooms and exposed outlets.

Day 9- I learned that finding out about Medicare for Bob is not easy.  After a few conversations with a variety of individuals, I have more questions than answers.  This will be an ongoing issue until I understand what the hell Plan A covers vs Plan B vs Plan C and the cost of each........

Day 10- I learned that I must continue to accept the struggles of getting healthier.  Last week, the topic of my meeting was about forgiving yourself.  To me it was about acceptance.  Losing weight and getting healthier is still front and center in my life BUT the craziness of my life lately has made it harder than usual to see numbers consistently going down. Today was a good day and I was down on the scale.  BUT it should be more about the non-scale victories. The better/longer life I am going to have due to my focus on excercise and healthy eating. After the floor incident (Day 8 above), I admit I cried.  But instead of reaching for something bad to eat.....I reached for a box of tissues! Today's meeting was about what was the last straw that led you to want to improve your health? Someday, I will share that story.  I am not ready to go there yet with all of you.  I am pushing ahead......I am not a quitter!!

I can't wait to see what I learn in the days to come.....stay tuned.

Donna out.....

See you next week.......

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