Sunday, September 9, 2018

I Hate When I Don't Write It Down

I had a great idea for my blog entry this week.

Did I write it down? Ugh NO !!

Am I sitting here thinking what was that brilliant idea? Yes.

Maybe if I start writing about the week it will come to me.

OK so we are under a State of Emergency right now due to a possible hit from a hurricane.

Made a list of what to take that is not replaceable.

I know people say you can replace anything but people.  Wrong.

I cannot replace the painting of the courthouse my father tried many of his cases in.

I cannot replace the Christmas angels my Mom made me on her last visit before she died.

I cannot replace the pillow made out of material that was found in Mom's apartment after she passed.

Yes, I have included on my list to take: the important paper bin, med's, cash, jewelry.

The cars each have a full tank of gas.

We bought two cases of water.

We have batteries, lots of batteries.

If they order an evacuation, we have to get back here from Lexington/Columbia asap to get our stuff.

Then drive both cars up to Columbia/Lexington.

The weather alert warning went off once and scared the hell out of me.

I am watching the weather reports.

We brought in most of the things we had outside the house, just in case.

We do not have storm shutters.

We did shut all the windows on the porch.

I do not know if we have hurricane proof windows (but think that's a no).

And only last week, I got a quote for flood insurance.  When the agent called me about it, I was on a conference call.  I told her I would call her back.  Did I? No.  So I won't be able to get flood insurance until AFTER the hurricane passes.  Darn conference calls.

Now we just wait and see what happens.

But that wasn't what I wanted to write about ugh.

I did get two gifts this week from my friend, Jenn.  A damn-it blessing box and a lovely pendant that was exactly what I had told her I was looking for and it was her grandmother's which makes it even more special.

THAT"S IT !!!!!! 


The ages of friends !!

I always used to think that friends had to be close to my age. 

And when you are young that is true.

I am not sure when that fact changes  but it has for me.

I have friends who are older than me.

I have friends my age.

I have friends younger than me.

I think the younger friendships are interesting.  It has to do with life experience.

Younger friends have younger children, teenagers or children in college.  I did once too.

Friends my age or older have grandchildren and I see the joy of that life experience.

I have friends that are single, married, divorced or have lost a spouse.

I have friends that have retired.

I have friends that won't be retiring for a long time.

I have friends that love sports. I have friends that hate sports.

I have friends that travel.  I have friends that like to stay home.

I have friends with varied interests from knitting to photography.  

Not a writer among them until recently.

Due to attending writing seminars/classes and having a developmental editor have opened up the opportunities to new friendships in the writing world. 

I guess that's part of what makes life interesting not just spending time with people the same and and with identical experiences.

Each friend adds something to my life and I hope I do to theirs.

I have laughed until I cried with them.

I have cried until I couldn't cry any more with them.

They put up with me and my many moods. I do appreciate that so much!

Friends are different from family.

Unlike family where you have no options, you choose your friends which makes them special. 

Yes, you can have family that you would have chosen as friends.

Who wouldn't want to be chosen?

I do not take the word friend lightly.  I have a lot of acquaintances.

I am also blessed to have some very good friends. even best friends.

I know I sound like a 12 year old saying friend, good friend and best friends.

Sometimes friendships happen quickly when you have an unusual shared experience.

Some friendships fade as our lives change.

And the best are the friendships that endure the test of time. You may not always agree but they always have your back.

Well, I am glad I remembered what i wanted to write about today !!

Even if it took half an entry to get there.

See you next week !

PS a little prayer that we do not have to evacuate would be appreciated!!

PPSS Cindy, You were right, your told me "just write" and it worked!!

PPPSSS Cindy, Note # two- I did have to look at my notes from yesterday to see if I write out the number vs using the numeral.  See I do listen to you !!

PPPPSSSS Cindy, Note # three- yes I will work on my timeline.  Maybe during the hurricane !

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