Saturday, September 22, 2018

Trying to get a good night's sleep....

I love the few minutes before I fall asleep at night.

I have my covers wrapped around me.

As I relax and drift off to sleep.

A few years ago, I chose to no longer share my bed. I started sleeping in my recliner. It made sense to me at the time.  I didn't realize that it would be a challenge a few years later to go back to sleeping in bed.

I used to love sleeping on my side.  Now my hips and knees hurt.  I sleep on my back or stomach.

But I am still not up to a full night in bed. It is frustrating.

I will wake up during the night get out of the recliner and climb into bed.

Then I toss and turn.

When I stay at my friend Mary's house each week, I choose to sleep on the couch.

And I sleep pretty great.

I do wake up every now and then but usually fall back to sleep pretty quickly.

Now, I have to figure out how to lay in my bed like I do on the couch.

Maybe I need to use my body pillow like the back of the couch so I don't try to sleep on my side.

Then I have to situate my pillows like the arm on the couch with a throw pillow on it.

You would think this would be an easy task but it's not.

Maybe instead of the nightshirt I wear at home, I need to sleep in shorts and a t shirt.  It is easier to move in the latter but more comfy in the former.

I shouldn't have to think this much about sleeping in my nice comfy bed.

I never thought when I gave up  sleeping in my bed that it would be forever.

If I had known I wouldn't have given it up so easily.

It was one of those rash decisions that I am paying for now.

Due to this sleeping issue, it makes traveling and overnights a challenge.  Unless there is a recliner nearby.  If there is no recliner around, I climb into bed.

Then I stress about not being able to sleep. (I know the stress part surprises you!)

The saying goes"it takes 30 days to make something a habit" .

Unfortunately, breaking a habit isn't quiet as easy.

I feel confident that eventually, I will be back in my bed every night all night.

Hopefully, sooner than later.

Such a simple thing that we all take for granted.

I just have to stop thinking about it.

I just have to not obsess about it.

I also need my sleep.  If I toss and turn that doesn't work either.

I will keep trying.

I am sure one night not too far off, I will drift off to sleep and wake in the morning feeling well rested, in my bed.

"To sleep per chance to dream", maybe Shakespeare had trouble sleeping in bed too??

I am starting to feel tired.

Maybe, I will give it a shot?

See you next week!

(The bitmoji below seems more appropriate now that you know where I spend part of my sleeping hours.)

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