Sunday, September 2, 2018

It's A Lot Harder Than I Expected- Writing and Life

The writing part:

I have always had a great respect for authors.

I knew it was hard work.

Until I finally started getting serious about my book, I didn't really understand how hard.

Trying to get my writing done in between my full time job can be a challenge.  Add the long commutes, housework, bills to be paid and all the other routine tasks of life makes it more daunting.

I envy those who can spend their days writing.  I try to carve out time and once I get going it is hard to stop.  Fortunately, I have Cindy (my developmental editor) to email me and prod me  and remind me I haven't sent her any new material.

Yesterday, I knocked out a lot of entries. I had been at it for 13 hours.

I emailed what I had written for review and suggestions at after 1:00 AM !

I had thought when I first started writing my order would be logical. I would move ahead in some kind of an orderly timeline.

That is not the case.

I am reworking what I have already submitted and then try to follow that part in some kind of order.

Then another thought pops into my head.  I can see it, feel it and hear it so clearly I start putting the words down as quickly as I can.

If a thought comes to me, I now add it to my notes in my phone so I don't forget it later.

Did I really think every word I wrote was perfect? Yes.

Did I think my original idea for the book would change so drastically? No.

Did it ever dawn on me the revisions can be a challenge? No.

But there I sat at 1:00 AM. still writing.

Words, sentences, ideas all kept flowing like a faucet that couldn't be turned off.

My brain was tired and my eyes were burning.

I knew once I stopped  for more than a minute I would fall asleep quickly.

That is unless another idea for an entry popped into my head.

The life part:

I know a lot of it has to do with me.

In previous posts, I have gone on about my inability to be impulsive. Why on earth do I get sad when I see others making decisions or doing things that I would like to do but just can't.

Finances play a part in my decisions.

Trying to get out of my comfort zone is a continual battle.

Seeing people step out with the appearance of no concerns is something I admire.

Doing things alone is very, very hard for me.  The reality is I have to push myself or end up not going out often.

Yes, I know when I have gone it alone more times than not  and I have had a good time.

Operating without a safety net is not my specialty.

With a certain amount of encouragement from you and maybe a little gumption, I will get over myself and stop thinking it's all about me!

Let me end by sharing some good things about the week:
-pumpkin spice is all over the place
-enjoying a 4 day weekend
-spent some time Friday night with my neighbors and had a lovely time and better yet they sent me   home with some barbecued chicken wings which Jenn and I devoured for dinner
- and college football is back !!!! GO COCKS !!!!

And along with start of football a little outside decoration was required.

See you next week !

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