Saturday, September 29, 2018

Time of the Seasons

I do love the fall.

The change in the colors of the leaves.

College football.

Sweater weather and a nip in the air (well that may be a bit off in SC).

Apple and pumpkin spice everything.

The desire to make soup.

It is hard for me to believe that I am putting away the summer tablecloths and decorations.

Time to put out the Halloween tablecloth that I have used for the last 25 - 30 years.  It is one of my favorites and obviously has held up to the test of time.

The plate rack will have Dracula, Frankenstein, a witch and a pumpkin.

The dining room table will have plates with fall leaves on them

The  clear glass pumpkin will takes its place in the center of the table.

The Halloween Dept. 56 buildings will be placed on the sofa table.

The orange and black wreath will hang on the door, near the Halloween banner.

The pumpkins and mums I will purchase tomorrow will be placed on the front porch.

I will be able to sit in the screened in porch and drink my coffee.  No ceiling fans required.

The only negative to this time of year, I hate that it gets dark early.

I leave for work in the dark and arrive home in the dark.

I miss the daylight.

I used to hate raking leaves. It is one of the chores I used to dread.

Not one of the autumn things I miss.

I guess that is the price we pay for the beauty of the change in seasons.

Each season has something to offer.

In the Spring, the flowers blooming, seeing people out of hibernation and days getting longer.

In the Summer, pools, picnics, baseball, barbecues, vacation and central air (especially here in the south).

In the Winter, the possibility of snow (we even had a snow event here last January), the smell of fireplaces and there is something beautiful about the stark bareness of the trees.

Each season has scents associated with them too.

Christmas trees, apple pie, burgers on the grill and spring rain provide our brains with a mental reminder of what time of year we are in.

As we head into the autumn of the year and the toward signing "Auld Lang Syne", we think of the year past.

The good, the bad, the happy and sad.

We have arrived at the time of year for pumpkins.

And yes, I will be watching Hallmark Christmas movies starting Oct. 26th,  Yes, I said October so get over it !!

Soon, we will be shopping for our turkeys and on the lookout for Black Friday ads.

We will barely step away from the Thanksgiving table to lighting the Christmas tree.

This year, I will be decorating the week of turkey day. since I will be on vacation that week. I promise not to light up the house until the bird has been devoured.

And that will be it for 2018, one of my most challenging years will come to an end.

Along with the tough times there have been some good moments.

I will put them all in the memory album of my mind.

I wrote a blog entry a while back that said once Memorial Day is over the rest of the year flies.

And I was right.

But in the circle of life this is how it goes, season to season, holiday to holiday, burgers to soups, baseball to football.

Each year from January to December goes quicker and quicker.

I just wish it would slow down just a little bit.

See you next week!

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