Sunday, March 29, 2020

More of our new normal

Today's quote:

"Life is uncertain. We can never predict when hard times will strike"  Lailah Gifty Akita

If anyone ever told me 6 weeks ago how much our lives would have changed, I would have doubted it. 

But then again, I am not a great visionary.

Things have to hit me like a 2 X 4 and then I think "Wow, where did that come from?"

I do see people adapting to all we have been asked and challenged with as part of the new normal.

After two weeks, we finally found ground turkey at a local butcher.  Jenn had to wait on a line  outside the store standing six feet apart.  Then only three people were allowed in the store at a time.

At the end of the two lane road (one lane in and one lane out) onto the island where we live at sits the security booth. The owners lane is closed. Each car must stop to do a kind of check in before the visitor gate is lifted.

Driving by Boundary Street and seeing it empty with the exception of the few signs for curbside pickup from restaurants.

There has been a learning curve to our new normal.

While Publix has offered early shopping for seniors (along with other stores), it has not always turned out as planned.  Parking lots filled early, people not practicing social distancing and leaving their manners totally behind.  I read an email, where a senior said "you are better off going during normal hours". Thank goodness, I don't make the age cut for "senior shopping".

With so many from TD now working from home, we have pushed our servers to the max.  This has led to getting kicked off line for hours at a time.  By the end of the week things have improved. Most of the day Friday, I only had to sign off and on three times and didn't have to wait hours to get back to work.

I know realize how much I need social contact.  Between calls, emails, text and other social media I don't feel as alone.

Each day I understand more and more that everyone I know has impacted by these troubling times.  Hours and wages cut on jobs, layoffs,  401K's diminishing, and worst of all getting ill from the virus.

When I heard yesterday about a NYC police officer who died from the illness the report mentioned he had an underlying health condition, asthma.

Both Jenn and I have asthma.  It was another one of those 2 X 4 moments.

When I was a kid, my Dad would pile the family in a car for a ride. 

Yesterday, I went with Jenn for a few stops.  I drove and stayed in the car with Jeter, while Jenn got out of the car. The stops were for basics nothing extravagant.

Just being out for a little while felt good but not done lightly.  In fact, done with more trepidation than I anticipated.

Wanting to be home is very different from having to stay home. I doubt I will ever take that freedom for granted again. Well, at least not for a while.

When I am not working, I play games on my IPAD, watch too much TV (blame Hallmark and the Christmas Marathon), read and try to write a little.

I watched "Toy Story 4", and will admit I cried at the end.

Learning about app's like Zoom has been eye opening.  Having Facebook Messenger calls to see people have been fun .  Seeing people on these calls has not pushed me to put on make-up in the morning though.

I try to add something fun or interesting to my team conf calls.  I really want people to talk and not just about work. Last week, each day we had a topic from dream vacations, to a recipe exchange, pictures of our pets and listing the best books we ever read.

I have been pleased to see companies reinvent themselves to help out with items needed by hospital and medical staff.  I have seen people showing each other kindnesses that warm my heart.  I have finally heard of some well paid athletes and CEO's stepping up and making sure their staffs still have a paychecks.

In times of crisis, we recognize our first responders and medical personal. To the list we have added truck drivers and grocery store staff.  I asked my brother who has put in more than 35 years on the night crew at Shoprite if he ever though of himself as essential.  Until now, I don't think he had but he sure is important now.

I do feel a sense of sadness as I see plexiglass being being installed by the cashiers at the supermarket.  I hate hearing about people intentionally coughing on food that then must be thrown away. And I an frustrated by those that choose not to observe "social distancing".

None of us is really immune to this virus. Wake up people !

I am hoping and praying by the next time I sit down to write my entry next week, the curve will be evening out.

Let's all keep praying. 

I do believe in the power of prayer and people with a common goal.

See you next week.

Today's quote

Sunday, March 22, 2020

I wasn't even close to the changes that would take place when I shared my blog last week

Today, let's start with the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh.

Piglet: "Where are we going Pooh?"

Winnie the Pooh: "Home Piglet.  We're going home, because that's the best thing to do right now."

The changes have come at us all fast and furious.

Here is some of what my week looked like.  I am sure it is very similar to many of your weeks too.

It took me three visits to Publix to find one piece of meat.

Having someone spray your hands with sanitizer before you enter a store.

Spending days trying to get your team into a remote work setting.  Mission accomplished Friday night!!

The stock market continuing to give me an ulcer.

People acting oblivious to the words "stay at home".  I am not talking about a grocery store run.  I am talking about people in crowds at the beach.  Someone please explain this to me.

My Mom used to tell me to pray specific.

A few years ago Columbia, SC had what was called "the 1,000 year flood".  I prayed no water would come in my house.  And it didn't, from the storm or from any other source such as the sink, tub or toilet.

Lately, I had been praying to spend more time at home.  I was not quite expecting a pandemic that would end up with all of us being home for a minimum of two weeks.  I won't be back in the office until May at the earliest along with Jenn back at her job at USC.

I am sure Mom is somewhere saying "I told you to be specific."

On the upside (and yes, we must find an upside):

I have spent more time on the phone talking to family and friends.

Hallmark is running a Christmas movie marathon !!!!!

It is wonderful to not rush in from a long commute, get lunch ready for the next day, take a quick shower, have a hurried dinner and get to bed.

Making the big decision "do I shower tonight or in the morning"?  Normally, I have to do it at night since I don't have that much time in the morning.

I have time to eat  oatmeal every morning.  I love oatmeal but it is not something I usually have time to make and it doesn't travel well.

Coffee in the morning and not having to wait until I get to the office to have my first cup (which is about 4 hours after I wake up)!!

I am still able to get in more than a full day of work.

Jeter walks me to my kitchen/office each morning and stays with me until I put up the gate that keeps him from sitting between my feet all day.

What I would like to see happen:

Put all politics aside and work together.

No finger pointing as far as who knew what when.

Support small businesses in any way you can.

If you end up with one of the checks from the government to help us get through and you really are not in dire straights, give it to people who need it. I am still getting paid every two weeks. I would rather help someone not as fortunate as me.

Practice "social distancing" if not for yourself then for others.

Pray more. (please be specific in your prayers)

Remind yourself (as I have reminder myself), this is a temporary situation.  Life will get back to a normal, although it may be a new normal.

Don't let the lack of socialization get you down.  Skype, Facetime, Text, IM, call, email or go retro and write a letter. Staying in contact with people is key, especially those who are alone.

Once the time has passed and we are all back out in the world, let us not forget the lessons we have learned in the recent weeks.

See you next week.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

What a week that none of us saw coming.

Two quotes from Eeyore courtesy of A.A. Milne:

"Could be worse.  Not sure how, but it could be'"

"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference."

The stock market going up and down like a roller coaster. 

And "the virus".

I was obsessed with the stock market and it's impact on my 401K all week.  I was checking how the market was doing several times a day.

I know I was not alone in this obsession.

I had put thoughts regarding the virus on the back burner until it was right in my face.

Universities closing, sporting events being cancelled, church services online and the search for toilet paper.

All SC schools will be closed for the next two weeks.

Now, we are in a mad dash to get our teams in the office set up to work remote. 

Lots of challenges.

The stock market being impacted by oil on the other side of the world and a virus that originated around the globe are bringing our lives to a stand still or close to it.

No March Madness.

Broadway closed.

Many of the things in life we take for granted are not happening. 

People fighting at Costco over TP and water. 

Has the media added to the hype?  ABSOLUTELY.

Does the flu and the number of deaths from it each year get the publicity this virus has been given? NO.

When you hear all this overload of info 24/7, you cannot help but let it seep into your brain as much as you try to ignore it.

I have to say I have never experienced any event like this in my lifetime.

In the near future, life will return to normal and these events will fade in our memories.

Maybe we will change for the better, take less for granted and dear God, treat each other nicer and with consideration.

Poor Eeyore, tended to see the world as the "glass is half empty".

Can we prove him wrong and take a minute to be more caring during this trying time?

And maybe from here it can continue to be the norm. 

At least, something good will have come out of the bad.

Could things be worse?  OH YEAH.

I think even Eeyore knew that as he sat under his little dark cloud.

See you next week.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Those darn little things that make a difference

Some of the little things involving work:

Being able to work from home a couple of days a week.

The days I walk into the office and someone on my team grabs me a cup of coffee (they know I am much nicer AFTER coffee).

Another team member takes my Hydraflask and fills it with ice.

My little desktop fridge that holds 4 bottles of water. It keeps my water very cold.

My work buddies hear me say I need to clean out my desk. Coming into the office to find out they did it for me.  They also kept anything I might want to save in a box to go through.  My work office mate taking a break and helping me go through the box.  Did you know the bottom of my desk drawers are black?  I haven’t seen the bottom in ages. The memos, instructions and training materials from 2015?  Time to pitch them since those procedures changed in 2016.

Friday, I arrived to see our February tree has been changed to March. Shamrocks with everyone’s name on them.  The top shamrock has Team Pizzo written on it.

Yes, my team willingly kept up what had been our Christmas Tree but is now our holiday tree. It has been through Valentines Day and now it is ready for St Patrick’s Day. Yes, it will then turn to Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th and on and on.

There was also a new poster hanging near my desk.  Nichole, one of my processors, bought it. It was about Team.  I loved it.  In fact, in one of my sappier moments, I started to cry when I looked at it.

I have really made it my focus to form a cohesive team with my processors in the office and my underwriters who are remote.  Then we add our Loan Officer’s all based in Florida to the mix. 

I feel I have succeeded in making Team Pizzo function like a well oiled machine who all work toward our monthly goals and find time to laugh and enjoy each other in the process.

Recently, I was awarded a monthly SSOAR Award.  It is only the second time in nine years I have been given this honor.  At TD, when you win this monthly award, the WOW Patrol comes to visit you.  They arrive in all kinds of green and purple attire.  They also make quite a noisy entrance with noisemakers of all kinds.  I had not had my coffee yet but did agree to take the requisite pictures holding a sign that says “I have been WOW’d!”

Another thing TD likes is for the mangers to spend time out on the floor.  I think, in my case,  they might prefer I stay in my office.  I tend to cause a ruckus out there.  I joke and chat and even involve other teams in the conversations.  I work with people not robots or machines.  The laughter and occasional chatter is good for our employees.

While those are some of the good things about the office, small events outside the office can make a difference.

Changing my hair color to whatever Wayne chooses.

Jenn getting some pictures I like printed up for me.  One or two made me cry.  I will be getting frames for some and putting them on my cleaner desk top.


Jenn showing me some crossword app’s that I enjoy.

Using my wireless earbuds to listen to “I Heart Radio”, is such a treat.  I keep finding stations I love such as music of the 60’s and 70’s as well as I Heart Broadway.

Keeping up my journal with my five good things about the day each day in 2020 gives me a sense of accomplishment.

The time change next week, finally.  We will not be arriving home in the dark is something to look forward too.

Look for the little events or unexpected joys, they are there. 

You just have to open your eyes and heart to find them.

See you next week.
P.S. I I was also proud of myself when my laptop decided to die today, I didn’t get upset or angry. I will save up enough money to buy an new laptop eventually, no running up credit card debt when I can work with the things I already have in my house.  I used my IPAD and a small wireless keyboard Jenn bought me last Christmas to write this blog.