Sunday, March 1, 2020

Those darn little things that make a difference

Some of the little things involving work:

Being able to work from home a couple of days a week.

The days I walk into the office and someone on my team grabs me a cup of coffee (they know I am much nicer AFTER coffee).

Another team member takes my Hydraflask and fills it with ice.

My little desktop fridge that holds 4 bottles of water. It keeps my water very cold.

My work buddies hear me say I need to clean out my desk. Coming into the office to find out they did it for me.  They also kept anything I might want to save in a box to go through.  My work office mate taking a break and helping me go through the box.  Did you know the bottom of my desk drawers are black?  I haven’t seen the bottom in ages. The memos, instructions and training materials from 2015?  Time to pitch them since those procedures changed in 2016.

Friday, I arrived to see our February tree has been changed to March. Shamrocks with everyone’s name on them.  The top shamrock has Team Pizzo written on it.

Yes, my team willingly kept up what had been our Christmas Tree but is now our holiday tree. It has been through Valentines Day and now it is ready for St Patrick’s Day. Yes, it will then turn to Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th and on and on.

There was also a new poster hanging near my desk.  Nichole, one of my processors, bought it. It was about Team.  I loved it.  In fact, in one of my sappier moments, I started to cry when I looked at it.

I have really made it my focus to form a cohesive team with my processors in the office and my underwriters who are remote.  Then we add our Loan Officer’s all based in Florida to the mix. 

I feel I have succeeded in making Team Pizzo function like a well oiled machine who all work toward our monthly goals and find time to laugh and enjoy each other in the process.

Recently, I was awarded a monthly SSOAR Award.  It is only the second time in nine years I have been given this honor.  At TD, when you win this monthly award, the WOW Patrol comes to visit you.  They arrive in all kinds of green and purple attire.  They also make quite a noisy entrance with noisemakers of all kinds.  I had not had my coffee yet but did agree to take the requisite pictures holding a sign that says “I have been WOW’d!”

Another thing TD likes is for the mangers to spend time out on the floor.  I think, in my case,  they might prefer I stay in my office.  I tend to cause a ruckus out there.  I joke and chat and even involve other teams in the conversations.  I work with people not robots or machines.  The laughter and occasional chatter is good for our employees.

While those are some of the good things about the office, small events outside the office can make a difference.

Changing my hair color to whatever Wayne chooses.

Jenn getting some pictures I like printed up for me.  One or two made me cry.  I will be getting frames for some and putting them on my cleaner desk top.


Jenn showing me some crossword app’s that I enjoy.

Using my wireless earbuds to listen to “I Heart Radio”, is such a treat.  I keep finding stations I love such as music of the 60’s and 70’s as well as I Heart Broadway.

Keeping up my journal with my five good things about the day each day in 2020 gives me a sense of accomplishment.

The time change next week, finally.  We will not be arriving home in the dark is something to look forward too.

Look for the little events or unexpected joys, they are there. 

You just have to open your eyes and heart to find them.

See you next week.
P.S. I I was also proud of myself when my laptop decided to die today, I didn’t get upset or angry. I will save up enough money to buy an new laptop eventually, no running up credit card debt when I can work with the things I already have in my house.  I used my IPAD and a small wireless keyboard Jenn bought me last Christmas to write this blog. 

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