Sunday, March 15, 2020

What a week that none of us saw coming.

Two quotes from Eeyore courtesy of A.A. Milne:

"Could be worse.  Not sure how, but it could be'"

"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference."

The stock market going up and down like a roller coaster. 

And "the virus".

I was obsessed with the stock market and it's impact on my 401K all week.  I was checking how the market was doing several times a day.

I know I was not alone in this obsession.

I had put thoughts regarding the virus on the back burner until it was right in my face.

Universities closing, sporting events being cancelled, church services online and the search for toilet paper.

All SC schools will be closed for the next two weeks.

Now, we are in a mad dash to get our teams in the office set up to work remote. 

Lots of challenges.

The stock market being impacted by oil on the other side of the world and a virus that originated around the globe are bringing our lives to a stand still or close to it.

No March Madness.

Broadway closed.

Many of the things in life we take for granted are not happening. 

People fighting at Costco over TP and water. 

Has the media added to the hype?  ABSOLUTELY.

Does the flu and the number of deaths from it each year get the publicity this virus has been given? NO.

When you hear all this overload of info 24/7, you cannot help but let it seep into your brain as much as you try to ignore it.

I have to say I have never experienced any event like this in my lifetime.

In the near future, life will return to normal and these events will fade in our memories.

Maybe we will change for the better, take less for granted and dear God, treat each other nicer and with consideration.

Poor Eeyore, tended to see the world as the "glass is half empty".

Can we prove him wrong and take a minute to be more caring during this trying time?

And maybe from here it can continue to be the norm. 

At least, something good will have come out of the bad.

Could things be worse?  OH YEAH.

I think even Eeyore knew that as he sat under his little dark cloud.

See you next week.

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