Sunday, March 22, 2020

I wasn't even close to the changes that would take place when I shared my blog last week

Today, let's start with the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh.

Piglet: "Where are we going Pooh?"

Winnie the Pooh: "Home Piglet.  We're going home, because that's the best thing to do right now."

The changes have come at us all fast and furious.

Here is some of what my week looked like.  I am sure it is very similar to many of your weeks too.

It took me three visits to Publix to find one piece of meat.

Having someone spray your hands with sanitizer before you enter a store.

Spending days trying to get your team into a remote work setting.  Mission accomplished Friday night!!

The stock market continuing to give me an ulcer.

People acting oblivious to the words "stay at home".  I am not talking about a grocery store run.  I am talking about people in crowds at the beach.  Someone please explain this to me.

My Mom used to tell me to pray specific.

A few years ago Columbia, SC had what was called "the 1,000 year flood".  I prayed no water would come in my house.  And it didn't, from the storm or from any other source such as the sink, tub or toilet.

Lately, I had been praying to spend more time at home.  I was not quite expecting a pandemic that would end up with all of us being home for a minimum of two weeks.  I won't be back in the office until May at the earliest along with Jenn back at her job at USC.

I am sure Mom is somewhere saying "I told you to be specific."

On the upside (and yes, we must find an upside):

I have spent more time on the phone talking to family and friends.

Hallmark is running a Christmas movie marathon !!!!!

It is wonderful to not rush in from a long commute, get lunch ready for the next day, take a quick shower, have a hurried dinner and get to bed.

Making the big decision "do I shower tonight or in the morning"?  Normally, I have to do it at night since I don't have that much time in the morning.

I have time to eat  oatmeal every morning.  I love oatmeal but it is not something I usually have time to make and it doesn't travel well.

Coffee in the morning and not having to wait until I get to the office to have my first cup (which is about 4 hours after I wake up)!!

I am still able to get in more than a full day of work.

Jeter walks me to my kitchen/office each morning and stays with me until I put up the gate that keeps him from sitting between my feet all day.

What I would like to see happen:

Put all politics aside and work together.

No finger pointing as far as who knew what when.

Support small businesses in any way you can.

If you end up with one of the checks from the government to help us get through and you really are not in dire straights, give it to people who need it. I am still getting paid every two weeks. I would rather help someone not as fortunate as me.

Practice "social distancing" if not for yourself then for others.

Pray more. (please be specific in your prayers)

Remind yourself (as I have reminder myself), this is a temporary situation.  Life will get back to a normal, although it may be a new normal.

Don't let the lack of socialization get you down.  Skype, Facetime, Text, IM, call, email or go retro and write a letter. Staying in contact with people is key, especially those who are alone.

Once the time has passed and we are all back out in the world, let us not forget the lessons we have learned in the recent weeks.

See you next week.

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