Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Sneak Peak and Some Other Things.......

Last week, I wrote about the "Slush Fest" and how well the first page of my book was received.......well I have decided this week to share the first page with you too.....

OK here goes......minus the type "O's".....

Chapter One- How This Started

I guess you can blame it on the fact that my mother had died. When she was gone I felt lost. There were so many things going on in my life and I needed to make some new decisions. Writing a blog was one, putting myself first was another and  trying to look ahead toward Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 is all about me and my new adventures. And then I started to come up with the list. A list of things I have never done before but I decided it is time to do. Some of the items are simple like making a cheesecake, so more permanent such as a tattoo and some are just for pure fun such as renting the car of my dreams for a weekend.

When mom died she left each of her children a small amount of money. I could’ve used it to pay bills or for some other practical purpose but I didn’t. I decided I would not spend the money until I found a special reason or purpose of which I thought my mother would approve. I think she would approve of the list…….

At first I thought I would start with 12 new experiences but then I thought why limited it to 12. I am not looking at it as a bucket list but rather as a Donna wants to do list. A bucket list is tasks you want to do before you die. The Donna list is things I want to do to feel alive.

So there you have it....your little peak into one of the books I am writing........

The "some other things" part of my entry has to do with a few things that happened this week......

I went to have blood work done.  The chair you sit in has an arm that is "supposed" to go down in front of you.  In the past that would never work with me.  But this time the arm went down in front of me with room to spare!!!

I spent over 2 hours working with Jenn out in the yard today.  I hate yard work but for a change I was able to do it (with a few breaks due to my asthma and the fumes from the lawn mower).  The yard looked great when we were done!!

Friday night I didn't know what I wanted for dinner.  I ended up eating pineapple, grapes, some turkey pepperoni and 2 pieces of Weight Watcher string cheese.  Not the kind of choices I would have made before......

Once again it is Sunday night and I am cooking veggies.  It has become such a part of my routine and thank goodness I love them!!! I am going to try making a new kind of Weight Watcher cookies with oatmeal, peanut butter and banana's.  I will let you know if it is a success or not.

The scale did not move for me this week but that's OK.  It will move next week (come hell or high water)!!!!  My confidence continues to soar in a way that even surprises me.  And when you feel good you want to share your happiness.....for example today when we were leaving Aldi's there was an older lady (yes even older for me) walking across the parking lot wearing the most beautiful blue hat (robin's egg blue).  I stopped the car and Jenn put down the window and we told her how beautiful her hat was.  She smiled from ear to ear. It was a very brief encounter but it made her happy and us too....

I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday and instead of dreading it I am looking forward to it.  I am going in about 32 pounds lighter than I was when I went to see him in November and at that time I was down 24 pounds. I am hoping my blood work numbers rock and maybe he will take me off some med's.  And that is the point of all get healthier.  I do like being able to wear clothes in smaller sizes but knowing I will be around longer to enjoy them and Chapter 3 is what I am really focused on......

I hope you all have a great Memorial Day and we should all remember what the day is really THANK YOU to all those who served and are now gone.....the gift of freedom they gave us is priceless......GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

See you next week........

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