Sunday, May 10, 2015

Plateau's Suck

Webster's Dictionary definition of a plateau:


noun pla·teau \pla-ˈtō, ˈpla-ˌ\toe
: a period when something does not increase or advance any further

I have hit a plateau......down a little up a little then down a little then up a little.  It is enough to make a person crazy!!!

I went to my meeting this morning very very confident that I would be down and down a lot.  I stepped on the scale and was told I was up a little.... yes, it was a little .4 of a pound......less than 2 sticks of butter.  My reaction......I cried and then said I wasn't going to stay for the meeting.  Don't worry I did stay.  My WW leader asked me about what I ate this week.  I showed her my tracker.  With the exception of 2 days out of the last 7, I ate less than I was supposed to.......yesterday I ate about 400 calories, the day before maybe 800 calories.  I had done 2 1/2 hours of water jogging too.

Kay (my WW leader) talked in class about how people get through the bad weeks and she told me I am not helping myself by not eating enough.  She suggested switching things up as far as what I eat, watch the sodium and processed foods.  All things I already know from my 90 zillion times as a WW member.

A friend also reminded me that WW had been around a long time and the program why am I trying to tinker with something that has been proven to work.

Here is part of my the beginning I was losing it is slowing down some.  I passed over 50 pounds lost and then ........the plateau. Members talked about how difficult it is to get through them (plateau's) but eventually they do start to lose again.  I just have to persevere and not give up.

Jenn and I had planned on going to Top Of Carolina for brunch today.  After I weighed in I texted her and said brunch was off.  She texted back "it's Mother's Day".  My WW buddies told me to go to brunch.  Kay kept reminding us (me) to not define myself by the number on that scale......but I can't help it. I want to be successful this time......I know I have shown success up to now and yes the sizes of my clothes have gone down. I don't want this journey to end in failure.

I regrouped and decided to go to brunch with Jenn.  I counted the points for everything I ate and didn't do too bad overall.  Even at the dessert table, I had pineapple and strawberries.  I chose a lot of fruit and veggies from the buffet.....I even went a little crazy and had some bacon (3 slices), a spoonful of mac and cheese, a little bit of grits and some other healthy choices. We had a really nice time and I am glad I went.  We then took 11 selfies before we finally found one that we both agreed was OK.  At least when I look at that picture I can see my progress compared with some of my older pictures.

Here is my plan for the my daily point allotment, continue water jogging at the gym, eat a different fruit each day and push away the thoughts of failure and picture myself in a few months and beyond.  I have had to readjust my goals......I will not be 75 pounds down by the family reunion but maybe by the fall......I will not be 100 pounds down by my birthday but I will get there....eventually......

So suck it up Donna.....the plateau will end I am sure  and I am not a quitter!!!

Just keep a good thought for me next week.......I know I am not what the scale says....I am more than that!!!  I am healthier and happier and funnier than I have been in ages......

But deep inside is that little bit of doubt......I am trying to not listen to it.  I can't go backwards now.......there is no way to go but ahead......

Here is the one OK selfie....not great but OK....

Which is better than......

As I always say.....I am a work in progress...

See you next week....

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