Monday, May 18, 2015

Slush, Repairs, Relaxation, Loss

I am sure you are confused by that title.....LOL......but it will make sense by the time you have finished reading this entry.

Relaxation-  I took Friday and Monday off as PTO (paid time off).  It was lovely to have a few days off for me. The main reason I had taken off was the South Carolina Book Festival was in Columbia over the weekend.  I was like a little kid looking forward to Christmas.  I got up early Friday, showered and relaxed. I was going by Jenn's office and she would drop me at the Convention Center so I didn't have to hassle with parking and pick me up when my sessions were over. It was so nice not to relaxing I fell asleep.  I woke up at 10:50!!!!! I was supposed to leave the house at 10:45!!! Now, I had to run around like a crazy woman.  Got dressed still half groggy....where the hell was my notebook......where was the bag I was bringing my stuff in.....where was my water bottle and grapes and yogurt???? I race out of the house at 11:07 and called Jenn to let her know I was on my way.  My first class started at 11:30.  I made it to Jenn's office by 11:20.  I took a road I thought would be quicker.....nope....a detour.  We pulled up in front of the convention center at 11:29.  I raced (OK raced for me) to the meeting room and asked where I checked in.  The lady at the door said just go in they are just starting.  Whew!!!
Repairs- Saturday, while I was running of those damn dashboard lights went I didn't recognize.  Off to see my good friends at Goodyear.  3 hours and $340 later the car was repaired.  I couldn't complain too much since the part alone cost almost $200.

Loss-  I made the mistake on Thursday of getting on a scale other than the one at WW and it showed I was up. Big mistake!!! I should only weigh myself on one scale to be consistent.  I ended up stressing for the next 2 days.  Fortunately, I was down enough to get to the 56 pound mark!! This is the least I have weighed in 17 years........but as always my disclaimer is I have along way to go.  While I am not a big fan of the number 60 (for reasons I will NOT discuss.....I am in total denial until November...LOL)....I am looking forward to the 60 pound mark which I will hopefully hit within the next few weeks or so.

Slush- OK not the kind you can buy at 7-11..... on Sunday at the Book Festival I had a brand new experience a Slush Fest. What happens is you give in one page of a novel you are writing,  You do not put your name in it.  There are 4 authors sitting at a dais in the front of the room.  One reads the one page entry OUT LOUD and each author raises their hand when they do not want to hear anymore.  They each then critique the writing.  Talk about nerve wracking!!! I have never done anything like that before so I didn't know what to expect.  I felt like I was going to get sick as they read each selection.  My heart was racing.  I wanted to leave the room but felt glued to my chair.  After several selections had been read, the lady doing the reading read mine.  I waited and waited to see when each of the members of the dais would raise their hands to stop one raised their hand and she finished reading the whole page I had given in.  The feedback was that it was well written, interesting, intriguing, they wanted to know what would happen next and watch my type"o"'s.I had brought page one of my book with the working title "The List".  I can't describe to you how amazing it felt to hear that feedback (and it's not that they were so positive with fact for some they were very critical but did try to find something good to say).......mine review as all positives!!! I have always thought I wrote well but to hear 4 authors concur with my thoughts and feelings made me feel great.  I am a writer.......

OK a few things I did learn.....they said jokingly.....only one exclamation point per novel, the average novel is about 80,000 words long, don't assume because you know your characters that your reader will so you have to be clear in dialog and self-publishing isn't a bad idea.  So much to think about and learn.

A few crazy days that when by in a blur......and except for the car issue.....all good things.  (I would end with an exclamation point but I have already exceeded the limit in this entry that would be allowed for several novels).

See you next week........

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