Sunday, May 31, 2015

It All Comes Down To Numbers.........

The number 60 is front and center for me.  I am very close to passing the 60 pounds lost mark.  I think I should hit it within the next few weeks.  I have lost more than 15% of my body weight.  I have taken 230 plus pounds of pressure off my poor knees.  And per my Dr it is more like 8 pounds of pressure per pound off my knees when walking down hill or down stairs.

Speaking of my visit this week was all good news.  Blood work numbers rock!! He is thrilled with my weight loss and TOOK ME OFF ONE OF MY BLOOD PRESSURE MEDS!!!! He has me coming back in 3 months to see how that goes and may take me off something else. I went home with all the numbers and then did the tedious task of looking up each one and finding the normal range.  I was in the normal range for every one of them!!!!

I was going to hold out until I hit 75 pounds gone before I bought new slacks but I am giving in and buying a few pairs now. I found out this week I really can't wait.  I was walking out of the office and put my car keys in pants pocket.  All of a sudden my pants started to fall down.  Way sliding down past my butt.  Not that I don't still have a big butt but there is less and enough difference that I can't keep my pants up....LOL.  I am also going to look for just a few t shirts since the ones I am wearing now are swimming on me.  I am NOT buying much but enough to get me though the next 60 and then I will have to shop again.  And I am going to become a regular at the Good Will donation line when clothes start to get too big.

Please don't take this as bragging......that is absolutely not what I am doing.......I just am sharing my progress.

Basically, all the numbers that should go down are going down and the numbers that should go up are going up.......including my age......LOL......I am hanging on to the 50's for dear life....LOL....but in November I will have to face that new decade....ugh.......but I never thought I would head into that new number weighing less than I have in 20-25 years.......I never dreamt this could happen to me.........Chapter 3 is looking brighter........and healthier.......

See you next week..........

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