Sunday, May 23, 2010

Half the Battle is Showing Up

The sign at the entrance to the gym says "half the battle is showing up". It is so true. Once I am there I am fine.....some days I have to drag my butt across the parking lot. Tuesday, I was tired, had a headache and was not motivated at all. Fortunately, Jenn was with me and she in not so many words told me to get in the gym and I would be glad later that I had gone. She was right. When we left an hour later, I was so glad that I didn't just go home. I have been going to the gym for 4 months now and have only missed a week because I was sick. The months have passed quickly and physically I feel much better than I did a few months ago. My confidence is slowly starting to grow. I no longer feel uncomfortable walking around the gym or getting on the elliptical. I feel I belong there. I know I will never look like some of the people who go there and are in amazing shape but I am in a better place than I was just a few short months ago. I am trying and that is all I can do.....

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